JustUsBoys.com Community Code of Conduct
To ensure that JustUsBoys.com remains an enjoyable outlet for all members, we respectfully request that you adhere to the following rules and guidelines. The Code of Conduct found below, as well as the JustUsBoys.com Terms of Use, apply to all activities on JustUsBoys.com, including message boards and chats.
Please keep in mind that use of the site is a privilege and not a right. In general, members should treat each other with respect and refrain from personal attacks, even in the case of heated arguments or disagreements.
Be sure to reread this document from time to time as it may change, and you are always responsible for ensuring that your activities comport with these rules and guidelines. In addition, you should frequently review our "Terms of Service and keep in mind that some games, contests, and events may have additional guidelines that govern your use.
Code of Conduct
- JustUsBoys.com is an ADULTS ONLY website and is not to be used by those under the age of 18. We regret that we have no choice but to disable the access of anyone confirmed or strongly suspected to be underage. If you are under 18, please visit www.emptyclosets.com for a forum that might be more appropriate for your use.
- Please do not post or link to erotic pictures, movies, or stories where the subjects appear to be, or are described to be, under the age of 18. This includes avatars, signatures, and personal galleries. Do not request such materials from others.
- Please do not post or link to pictures, movies, or stories that combine sex with violence, bestiality or other potentially obscene material.
- Please do not link to content on someone else's webspace (hotlink) without the site owner's permission.
- Please do not deface the board with multiple posts containing exactly the same message.
- Please do not engage in the spamming of commercial websites. (This does not apply to members posting links to their favorite sites, etc. We know spam when we see it.) You may not use the forums to market items for sale or to solicit funds from our members (this includes charitable causes and GoFundMe type campaigns).
- Please post content directly into the forum where possible, either by attaching or linking to the url. We encourage members to post content and directly interact with other members in our forum. Please do not link to offsite chat websites or competitor websites. Our owner provides this forum without a membership fee and original content on JUB's forum encourages new members and additional participation from existing members.
- Please do not publicly trade passwords to pay sites or discuss the circumvention of pay site security mechanisms.
- Please do not use language that sounds like, stands for, hints at, abbreviates, or insinuates hate speech (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs) or illegal activities.
- Please do not harass, threaten, stalk, spam, or otherwise abuse other users.
- Please do not defend yourself against name-calling, flame wars or profane attacks with more name-calling, flaming or profanity. Instead, report the post to a moderator and allow them to take the appropriate action.
- Please do not create a screen name or chat name that is intended to aggravate or incite other members, or that references controversial religious topics, notorious people or organizations, or current or historical events that may be considered inflammatory or inappropriate. JustUsBoys.com reserves the right to change any username that is deemed inappropriate for any reason. If in doubt, please ask first.
- Please do not post links to websites that violate our Code of Conduct.
- Please do not post links to websites that contain materials that might harm another user's computer, such as viruses or Trojans.
- In forums that allow for photo linking or posting, please do not link photos to anything other than a full size version of same. Linking to other sites is prohibited.
- Please do not impersonate or harass JustUsBoys.com staff or moderators.
- Please do not impersonate another member or screen name (including "faking" a screen name by using similar-looking text characters).
- Please avoid excessive shouting (use of all-caps) or flooding (continuous posting of repetitive text).
- Please do not post your full real name, your address, or your phone number in the open forum. If you wish to share this information with a particular member, please use the Direct Message (DM) system.
- Please do not use the message boards, Direct Message system, chat, or personal webspace for any commercial purpose without the express consent of JustUsBoys.com. You may only create one account for yourself as an individual. You may not create an account for your corporation or other business entity. Please see below for more guidelines for commercial users.
- Do not share, ask to share, or link to Bit Torrent files or other pirated videos. It is not OK under any circumstance to share videos from any membership site that normally requires a fee to view the videos. This is expressly prohibited and repeated violations will result in your account being permanently closed.
- Please do not publicly disclose the real identities of other members or those of adult performers without their permission. If someone is using an alias on either these forums or in their career as an adult entertainer, please respect their rights to maintain their privacy. JustUsBoys does not tolerate revealing personal information about other people (aka "doxxing"). Doxxing will result in a permament ban from the site.
- Linking to personal (i.e. non-commercial) websites (e.g. Twitter, Tumblr, personal blogs, etc) in posts or in your profile signature is allowed, but you must have a reciprocal link on your site to at least one of the following: JustUsBoys.com, RocketTube.com or BrokeStraightBoys.com. We have provided a selection of adult and non-adult links to pick from so there is no reason that you can't link back to at least one of our properties. Additionally, only one link is allowed per signature. Note: If you are linking to a commercial site that you own or work for, then you must be a JUB Sponsor and the link to your site must use the official JUB redirect link to credit us for sales. To become a JUB Sponsor you should go to Jubsupport.com and create a ticket seeking information. Signature links to blogs or sites that promote adult sites as an affiliate are in direct competition to JustUsBoys.com and can not be allowed under any circumstance.
- Uploaded or Linked Copyrighted Videos: JustUsBoys encourages its users to share and discuss like-minded interests, but we also appreciate the creative works of those in our industry. We will not be a party to infringing upon intellectual property rights. You may upload or post links to short previews or "teaser" previews. Links to streaming services, file-sharing services (e.g. GoogleDrive), Torrent websites or "Tube" sides which contain full-length copyrighted materials are not permitted. Full length copyrighted videos cannot be uploaded to our servers. In each forum, there are detailed Posting Guidelines posted in the Sticky section at the top of the forum; please review these Posting Guidelines before you post any video content.
- JustUsBoys has areas of the site dedicated to amateur content (i.e. "self-pics"). For any non-commercial content posted on JustUsBoys (i.e. amateur content), you must have permission from all participants in the image or video before posting the content on JustUsBoys. JustUsBoys has a zero tolerance policy for posting amateur content without consent (i.e. "revenge porn"). Posting revenge porn will result in a permanent ban of your account.
- Please DO have fun, engage with other member, and treat your fellow JUBbers with respect.
Posting Guidelines
In the Sticky section of each forum are Posting Guidelines that state specific posting standards for each forum. Before posting in each forum, please read the Posting Guidelines for that forum.
In general there are some guidelines that apply to all forums:
JustUsBoys.com includes several sub-forums that are considered “safe harbors” or “no-flame zones.” Those areas of the site are intended for constructive discussions. Personal attacks are never allowed in the No Flame Zones. Disagreements should be addressed in a constructive manner without personal attacks or ridicule.
Please do not reference, replicate, or otherwise engage in any attempt whatsoever to use personal information from the no-flame zones at JustUsBoys.com to characterize, malign, or otherwise discredit any other member.
Some forums are designated as "Mostly Safe for Work". Do not post images of sexual activity or images of frontal nudity in forums that have been designated as Mostly Safe for Work.
Images of minors or discussion of sexual activity with minors is never allowed in any area of Just Us Boys. Please note that the limitation of posting images of minors applies to all images- erotic and non-erotic. If you cannot determine that the person in the image was over the 18 years of age at the time the photograph was taken, do not post the image in the forums.
JustUsBoys.com Disclaimers
- If you violate the Code of Conduct or the Terms of Use, your account may be suspended or permanently deactivated. While we will endeavor to inform you of the reasons for our actions, JustUsBoys.com is not obligated to warn you before taking any action on your account.
- JustUsBoys.com is not obligated to monitor every post, but we reserve the right to remove any post or user we feel has violated the letter or the spirit of our Code of Conduct or Terms of Use.
- JustUsBoys.com reserves the right to remove any user-created or uploaded content at any time, without notice.
- Some offences may warrant a warning, while others will result in immediate account suspension. We reserve sole judgment in all such matters. In almost all cases, severe racial remarks or hate speech, profane usernames, posting viruses or URLs to viruses will result in immediate and permanent removal from JustUsBoys.com.
- Circumventing a ban by creating another account will result in your IP being blocked and no possibility for your account to be reinstated. You may contact JUB Support if you need to contact us regarding a banned account. Please do not create another account.
Opportunities For Commercial Users
Generally, any site that accepts advertising or exists primarily to generate revenue is considered a commercial site. Please do not spam the forum with your goods or services as other members will report your posts and they will be removed very quickly. Please visit our Help page for information about working with us to promote your products.
General Internet Precautions
- Some areas of JustUsBoys.com may contain links to other websites. Please be advised that JustUsBoys.com does not control and is not responsible for the content on any of these offsite links.
- JustUsBoys.com contains adult content and is not suitable for children. We encourage parents to join their children as they surf and explore the Internet. We employ filtering mechanisms that prevent properly configured browsers from accessing our site. See www.icra.org for instructions on how to block your computer from accessing JustUsBoys.com.
- You are responsible for any actions you may take based on advice or information you receive from other members. Use your own good judgment when evaluating such information as JustUsBoys.com does not control, sanction or guarantee any information transmitted by our users.
- JustUsBoys.com does not control the content posted by our users. While we reserve the right to delete any content, we are not obligated to do so. Therefore, exercise caution when reading or viewing content posted by others and realize that there is a great diversity of opinion among our members. If you are easily offended, you may wish to participate in a community more in line with your views. However, if you value diversity of thought and can respect others with differing opinions, you'll be right at home at JustUsBoys.com.
- Be a good Internet citizen and report content that violates our Code of Conduct or Terms of Use to a moderator or administrator. At the bottom of most pages of the site you'll find a link to report abusive content.
- Don't give out or post any personally identifiable information (such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, driver license numbers or email addresses) to strangers online, as this information may be used for illegal or harmful purposes. Be sure you know someone well before disclosing any personal information.
Moderator Conduct
Moderators are also expected to uphold the Code of Conduct. There are certain exceptions, but a major responsibility that comes with being a moderator is the exercise of restraint when dealing with members. It may not always be easy, but we ask that moderators remember that their actions reflect on the rest of the moderator team. For that very reason, we urge all moderators to hold themselves to a higher standard than they would expect from a regular member.
Members should keep in mind that moderators are volunteer members who give of their time out of love for the site. Please treat them with the respect they deserve for helping make JUB the best gay community online! We couldn't do it without them! Next time you see a mod online, why not send a quick note thanking them for the time they put in. A kind word goes a long way!