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A Ban on Porn?


Sex God
Jan 23, 2009
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According to Techcrunch, Mitt Romney is consider banning all porn:eek:
Republican Presidential front-runner, Mitt Romney, may hold the most unpopular stance in American history: he wants to ban as much porn as he can. A 2007 videoof Romney promising to place porn filters on every new computer have resurfaced after his legal adviser “assured” President Reagan’s anti-porn legal crusader that Romney sticks by his pledge to curtail porn and resumes prosecution under latent federal obscenity laws.
That don't look so bad if they put filters on the PCs parents can block the porn IF they want to.
Romney's religion is against not only porn, but coffee, Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, any caffeine drink & any alcoholic drink. Some Mormons don't allow chocolate in their houses. No tobacco. Gay sex and even being gay without acting on it is wrong.

And remember, as a Mormon Mitt Romney is NOT a Christian. Christianity believes in one God. Mormons believe in a plurality of Gods.

So does mean would Mitt close down Justusboys if elected?
That don't look so bad if they put filters on the PCs parents can block the porn IF they want to.

Every Windows and Mac computer released in the past 7 years has built in parental controls - built right into the OS. They don't usually work, because (a) most parents don't use or understand them, and (b) most kids know more about bypassing them than the parents know about activating them.

If Romney is determined to restrict online porn, he'll either go for the ISPs or for the porn companies (like JUB) themselves.
I'm pretty sure gay porn would be the most targeted by Romney's dictatorship.. a dictatorship that we must never let happen.

To sure that Romney/Ryan do not get in office; tell EVERY man (especially young men) to not vote for him because he'll ban porn.
Actually, Cowboy Bob, Mormons do NOT believe in a plurality of gods, they believe in the plural nature of ONE god. And yes, they are considered to be Christian, as they accept the King James version of the bible. Kindly get your facts straight. As to the banning of porn...good luck on that, Romney. He has just as much chance of doing that as getting elected at all. He is an asshat of the first order and I know a lot of Repubs that don't like him and won't vote for him. Just the same...get out there and work to get O re-elected!
google the White Horse Prophecy.

It will be revealing. Find it and read it. Read what Mitt may have been raised thinking of himself as. Much of his behavior can be explained.

Romney believes that Jesus walked the americas and told someone to start having multiple wives, that he told them he would return when a mormon was elected to the white house, and they believe that the mark of evil, the black horse, the descendant of the son of Noah that humiliated him while he was naked, they believe that the mark of evil of THAT is the African race.

Now put all that in context.

While most religions believe in God, the LDS religion believes in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as separate beings. They also believe that God, Jesus and resurrected beings have bodies of “flesh and bone.”

D&C 129:1-5
1 There are two kinds of beings in heaven, namely: Angels, who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones—
2 For instance, Jesus said: Handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
3 Secondly: the spirits of just men made perfect, they who are not resurrected, but inherit the same glory.
4 When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you.
5 If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand.


Mormons believe that God created multiple worlds and each world has people living on it. They also believe that multiple Gods exist but each has their own universe. We are only subject to our God and if we obtain the highest level of heaven we can become gods ourselves.

D&C 76: 24
24 That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.

D&C 93: 10
10 The worlds were made by him; men were made by him; all things were made by him, and through him, and of him.

Moses 1: 33
33 And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten.

Top 10 Bizarre Mormon Beliefs

those ARE The facts.

As for the porn thing? Romney wants all american computers to have a porn filter in them, to be triggered in what fashion we have no idea.
So does mean would Mitt close down Justusboys if elected?

Probably yes

Well, he'd try. But some disgruntled "bitter" gun owning redneck would probably decide that a Second Amendment solution would be in order to "bring the boobies back!"



The United States would be STUCK with President Ryan???


Or if the Democrats take back the House, President Pelosi?

GACK -- now there's a good reason to make sure Romney doesn't get elected!
Actually, Cowboy Bob, Mormons do NOT believe in a plurality of gods, they believe in the plural nature of ONE god. And yes, they are considered to be Christian, as they accept the King James version of the bible. Kindly get your facts straight. As to the banning of porn...good luck on that, Romney. He has just as much chance of doing that as getting elected at all. He is an asshat of the first order and I know a lot of Repubs that don't like him and won't vote for him. Just the same...get out there and work to get O re-elected!

1. Yes, they do. The God of the Old Testament is considered to be just one of many gods, and every Mormon male hopes to become a god just like Him.

2. They are not Christian, as they do not accept the Trinity, and they do not accept the King James Version, because Joseph Smith changed it, and then Brigham Young spun some of those changes into doctrine.

It's all there in Doctrines and Covenants and the sermons of Smith and Young.
According to Techcrunch, Mitt Romney is consider banning all porn:eek:

Could Romney Really Ban Porn? | TechCrunch

This is a good way to lose further ground, nationally, with male voters. (In elections where there is a gender gap, Republicans will carry men before they can win women. Democrats do the opposite. And, in 2008, Barack Obama nationally won men, over John McCain, by 1 percentage point.)

This would be interesting strategy for the Romney campaign. For example, Utah was reported somewhere as the No. 1 most porn-loving state in the nation. The state of Utah is so Republican-voting, in presidential elections, that it gave Gerald Ford (1976), Ronald Reagan (1980, 1984), George Bush (1988, 1992), Bob Dole (1996), and George W. Bush (2000, 2004) their best margins. If Mitt Romney really wants to ban porn, then I think Utah males could reduce their red and increase their blue to expressly show Mr. Romney just how much they would appreciate such policy.
Making this an issue, if Romney affirms this publicly, will drive more Ron Paul supporters to Gary Johnson. I know a couple of Paulites who despise porn but will fight tooth and nail against anything resembling censorship, and there are millions like them.

I wonder how much bigger government would need to be to enforce such a thing.