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An Irreverent Gay Joke


Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Portland, Or.
I just read this in the latest issue of 'The Advocate' and thought it
was kinda funny:

(As told by Rachel Harris)

This redneck decides to go to community college,
where the dean of admissions suggests he take math,
English, history and logic.

"Logic?" he says. "What's that ?"

The dean says, "I'll show you. Do you own a Weed Eater?"


"Then logic tells me you have a yard."

"That's true !"

"And because you have a yard, logic tells me you have a house."


"And because of that, I think you might logically have a family."


"Then logically, you must have a wife."

"I do."

"Then logic tells me you are a heterosexual."

"That's incredible,' says the redneck, who runs home to tell his friend
he is taking a class in logic.

"Logic?" the friend says. "What's that?"

"I'll show you. Do you have a Weed Eater?"


"Then you're a queer."


Wisdom in humor, perhaps ?


I read that somewhere...a long time ago...can't remember where though.
Well, Joshy, at least three people so far do not understand logic or they have no sense of humor. Of course, everyone thinks he has a sense of humor even when he doesn't.
coming from a small town that is covered with Red Necks....I found this really funny, cause it's soooo true!! so True!! Good joke Joshua! (*8*) ..| (!)