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Anybody here into pumping ?

There's a bar here called "the pump", but no, sorry, I've never been. :wave:
I tried it for a while, I don't think it made me bigger when hard, just bigger when soft.
I ended up using it kind of like edging
I have done it a few times. Feels pretty good and the few times I have done it have made me thicker.
I'm assuming penis pumping. Google it, Babe.
I've never tried this, but does it actually work? I would like to know by first hand experience if it does? Also, are all brands the same?
yes with hans and franz
You beat me to it!

ask marvtha ah thank junior jr promissed her a nyew pare of pumps
Pictures of penis pumping really left me cold - results looked creepy sometimes. Ball pumping - for some reason - intrigues me. I wouldn't do either.
When I made that post I really had no idea what we were talking about. Are you guys sure we are talking about penis pumping?

Haha, I really enjoyed the responses. Yes I was indeed talking about penis pumping.