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Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron diaz?


The Shield fanatic
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
West Hartford, CT
I had seen The Sweetest Thing about 5 times already. I thought the whole damn movie was hilarious. But i thought the penis song was funny as hell. To me this movie was the best buy for me. I love a good comedy when i am upset.
It tried way too hard to be "There's Something About Mary" part was too desperate to be funny in my opinion, except for the part where Selma Blair is giving that cute guy head and her tonsils get stuck in his penis ring...and then her roommates show up and call 911 and they're surrounded by cops, paramedics and her neighbors...that was the only original part of the movie.
Re: Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron dia

Brings back memories.
Re: Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron dia

I think I had just about forgotten that I ever saw about we go with 'film'. So thanks for reminding me.
Re: Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron dia

My friends subjected me to this film. I didn't like it at all. It was dull, I didn't like any of the characters at all, and it cut back and forth between farce, serious romance, comedy, and musical with whiplash randomness.

Re: Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron dia

Yeah the penis song was pretty funny, as were a couple of other scenes, but Cameron Diaz has always been pretty "meh" for me
Re: Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron dia

The scene where Christina Applegate breaks the urinal and gets wiped out by the jet stream of dirty water was pretty funny.
And when she whispers to the annoying kid in church 'Look! Its Jesus!' to try ot get him to turn around. :D

Those scenes were funny. I love Christina Applegate. :D
Re: Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron dia

Love this movie! Christina Applegate was fantastic in this movie!

Though I gotta say I've seen this movie a lot of times, but have only seen the Penis Song part once I think....It was there when I first rented it when it came out and then I watched it on HBO or something and it wasn't there and every subsequent time I watched it it hasn't been in maybe it's just on like an unrated version of it?
Re: Anyone see the sweetest thing with cameron dia

I re-watched it last night. It might be sh!t but it's funny sh!t.