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Ball sucking


Porn Star
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Smith
Steven a 30 year old, 6' 4" 210 Lb. Hair covered his chest, legs, Forarms and his buns. Liying on my bed naked with his legs sprad apart and his 8 inch soft cock laying up on his hairy belly his big low hnging balls betweeb them. I could not helped myselt as I got between his legs and sucked his balls. Have you sucked on a pair of balls.:p (*8*) *|*
Perhaps a more interesting question would be...."Has anyone never sucked on balls before?"
I find ball sucking in pictures extremely HOT (though I find that there seems to be too few of them). I'm somewhat uncomfortable performing this, because too often when it's done to me, it causes too much pain even when it's not being done that roughly. So I tend to shy away from giving and receiving.
Apt125, I see you are a Viet vet. Me too. Quang Tri and Camp Eagle, 101st Abn. I use to suck a guys balls in a nasty bunker at Camp Eagle. There were used condoms and empty plastic screw top vials which had previously held herion. It stunk of piss, beer, vomit, shit and condoms with rank cum. I was mostly oblivious to to anything except his hairy balls, hard cock and hot, tight ass. Damn, I was so young and hot then.
Couple of years ago I couldn't stand barely a second of someone sucking my balls. It hurted, giggled (is this the right word?), made me laugh... But ask me today? I can stand upon everything now, especially when he takes both at the same time and sucks them like they full of honey.
Also like balls upon mu mouth, their soft touch on my lips, while cock is deepthroating me.
absolutely yes sucking them - and the suckER will be atuned to being gentle and that there may be great feeling in them - to be handled with care.
A QUESTION::: in your part of the world, is the term more often BALLS or NUTS? here it certainly used to be huevas - but now one hears pelotas (balls) a lot too . don't know why, to me, the english NUTS sounds more sexy.
I never understand how some guys are so sensitive. Obviously they are to be handled gently, but I like getting my balls sucked. Some people you even breathe on their balls and they wince in pain.
YEAH IT'S THE SWEETEST THING A GUY CAN DO TO ANOTHER GUY: sometimes it becomes lightly painful when a guy is sucking and licking with tongue so it's better to do very light it depends on our personal sensibility but it's the most astonishing feeling that i lived like edging and denial yourself before to ejaculate!!!!!SOOO SWEEEEEETTTT!!!!!!:wave:
SHARE each other our fantasies or real opinions about balls sucking!!!!!
I love it, both giving and receiving. A good technique is to take them both into the mouth and then make a swallowing motion with your throat - drives them wild! :D

I don't think the sensitive ones would like that, though, haha.
how would you love to lick my hanging bags have trouble going swiming cant hide them


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yes yes sucking them and having them sucked ;)