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Bill Maher: If Focus On The Family Is Really Doing God’s Work, Why Are They Always Wrong?

White Eagle

Dec 22, 2006
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Bill Maher Hits on Focus on the Family. Very good show, I don't know why I don't watch him, I imagine he is in the TV listings.:badgrin:

Bill Maher: If Focus On The Family Is Really Doing God’s Work, Why Are They Always Wrong?

by Josh Feldman | 11:29 pm, October 12th, 2012
Bill Maher ended his show tonight by asking the Christian group Focus on the Family a simple question: “If you’re doing God’s work and God is perfect, how come you’re always wrong?” He brought up a huge list of things the group warned would happen four years ago if Barack Obama was elected to the presidency. It’s four years later, and none of their predictions came to pass, leaving Maher to suggest an apology to the president might be in order.
He also had Ann Coulter on his show again to peddle her new "book". She said a bunch of crap about how the democrats invented racism and only they are racists. Maher just pretty much sat their and smiled; not sure why he has always been so chummy with her. He also tried to get her to explain how 18% of republicans could honestly believe that Romney is responsible for the capturing and killing of Bin Laden, according to another "poll". Oddly, she had no smart-ass explanation about that; but she did admit that low information voters is not a partisan thing.
He also had Ann Coulter on his show again to peddle her new "book". She said a bunch of crap about how the democrats invented racism and only they are racists. Maher just pretty much sat their and smiled; not sure why he has always been so chummy with her. He also tried to get her to explain how 18% of republicans could honestly believe that Romney is responsible for the capturing and killing of Bin Laden, according to another "poll". Oddly, she had no smart-ass explanation about that; but she did admit that low information voters is not a partisan thing.

Because he knows she's a fraud.

But having her on the circuit is sure to be good for controversy and ratings.

He's still as much a whore as all the other talk show hosts who want a paycheque.
God isn't perfect, you know.

He got that stuff wrong about not eating pork, not eating shellfish, when it is okay to beat your slaves (and how to go about buying them), stoning your daughter for adultery, menstruating women being unclean to God, gay sex being as bad as eating lobster (it's better), killing children who curse their parents, curing leprosy with incantations and blood, and not wearing cotton-polyester garments (well, okay, maybe He was correct about that last one).

Focus on the Family can hardly be blamed for God's screw-ups.
^^^^What he said, + scum bag criminal Issa (R) Big Business was on, another cunt, of the male persuasion
I Love Bill and DVR his show every week but the problem with him is he thinks that everything having to do with Christianity is wrong and being an Atheist is so right...

If you're one of those people that think you're right about everything including your beliefs then power to you, but don't get mad at other People simply because they believe in or practice something you don't.

Left-Wing Christians do watch him and he's constantly lumping us with the Crazy-right...His blissfully ignorant in that area...
It was a very good episode, and Matt Taibbi, a favorite journalist of mine, is on this Friday, which all but guarantees another good episode.

I'd retell my story about the time I actually met Ms. Coulter, but the last time I did that, my entire post was deleted by a moderator, in spite of my following all the many rules of this forum to the letter.

So, I won't be doing that again....
God isn't perfect, you know.

He got that stuff wrong about not eating pork, not eating shellfish, when it is okay to beat your slaves (and how to go about buying them), stoning your daughter for adultery, menstruating women being unclean to God, gay sex being as bad as eating lobster (it's better), killing children who curse their parents, curing leprosy with incantations and blood, and not wearing cotton-polyester garments (well, okay, maybe He was correct about that last one).

Focus on the Family can hardly be blamed for God's screw-ups.


How did He "get wrong" rules he gave a certain set of tribes back in the bronze age? That's kind of like saying that the guy who invented the rules of chess "got it wrong" because... ? ? ?
It was a very good episode, and Matt Taibbi, a favorite journalist of mine, is on this Friday, which all but guarantees another good episode.

I'd retell my story about the time I actually met Ms. Coulter, but the last time I did that, my entire post was deleted by a moderator, in spite of my following all the many rules of this forum to the letter.

So, I won't be doing that again....

PM me the story because I would love to hear it...