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blowjob machine


Porn Star
Dec 7, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
I bought a fleshlight last year and wasn't that impressed. It took FOREVER to get off with it!
Just use a vacuum cleaner with attachments.:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
hotlatino said:
has anyone used one of those self blowjob machines, how do they work , does anyone have anypics of it? *|*

I can NOT show my last boyfriends pic's on here!! SORRY!! MY TWIN!!

EDIT!!; That was the stupidest post I ever made!! LOL
Mr Frodo said:
Just use a vacuum cleaner with attachments.:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

I don't think my Hoover came with one of those .....
Styrker said:
That was the stupidest post I ever made!! LOL

You don't give yourself enough credit.
jubprowess said:
can anyone give advice on how to make your own fleshlight at home? lol i dont have the money to buy it right now..

Well, it may not work exactly like a fleshlight - those have gelpacks in them I think - but...

You could try finding a flashlight with a barrel of the correct proportions for your cock... Or a gift wrap tube (cut to proper length of course). Line it or wrap your cock with a fairly heavy gauge piece of rubber matting, lube it up, and Voila! you have a home made fleshlight!

Not guaranteed to work, but what the hell! what have you got to lose by tryin'?:D
I don't mean to be rude or insensitive, but this thread is bizarre. Is there really such a thing??? Why don't you just go get a real blowjob? Hmm.
The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

Hi guys,

I just discovered a site named "" and I think that the product looks very interesting, and I got a hard on looking at the demonstration.
My question is do any members have any experience of this machine and if I should purchase the product.

I would love to receive any comments as I just thought that using a machine would be a variation over using my hand during those nights when I am alone.
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

Why pay so much when there's the fleshjack?

I'd reccomend the fleshjack
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

It just seems that all that mechanical stuff would be prone to not lasting very it's noisy. Forget using that if you live with anybody.
Fleshlight/jack is the best thing around and it's half what that cost.
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

Have to be REALLY desperate to keep a hardon with all the racket going on...... :help:
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

I wonder if they'll have a Count Cockular post halloween sale. I'd kind of like one!
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

Hi guys,

Thanks very much for your comments regarding the autoblow.
I will follow your advice
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

call me old fashioned - I will just use my hand thanks. Always there and does not require lube or to be plugged into the wall or batteries.
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

Agree, my hand has served me very well
Re: The Autoblow, a jerk off machine

It sucks, you pretty much have to be hard to use it right?

Was going to say, I was going to buy it as a gag gift for this guy I have been messing around with. Also because I could have used it to get him hard (which takes him FOREVER unless you are doing it perfectly), then blow him for the load :).
I read some information once on the ultimate penis suck machine, it worked like a cow milker, and you could make it yourself, it could suck you real soft and slow, or suck really hard, and fast if you wanted to. Anyone see that article? I am going to see if I can look that information up and tell you where it's at. Why a machine and not a guy: the machine sucks way harder, stretches out your penis really long when doing so.