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Britney Spears

Eh, she kind of lost me after the whole "K-Fed" crap. I have all of her albums (Baby One More Time, Oops I Did It Again, Britney, In The Zone, My Prerogative: Greatest Hits, B In The Mix). But she doesn't appeal to me anymore. I mean...look at her.

I firmly believe her music career is over.


I want this Britney back!!!


At one time I feel she was respected in the entertainment biz. But, she is passed her prime now and has done that whole k-fed diddy. Trash now, IMHO.
Well she is pregnant. And she is not touring or working or anything. She is just chillin and being a mom. I dont see a problem with that. She'll be back sometime.
i missed her special last night with matt lauer but heard it was a train wreck! heard she was super white trash with fucked up extentions and blue eye shadow! than she cried. what the fuck? is she really a role model for anyone? what a mess!
She seems to have no class, style, talent, taste, control of her image at the moment. The press and media are making her look like an out of control bad mother because she was getting hounded by.... the press.
She is not this brilliant pop star like some people like to think but I have enjoyed quite a few of her songs. I do feel sorry for her at the moment. She can't even blink without being accussed of being the worse mother on earth.
I guess you CAN be a multi-multi-millionare and still look like Courtney Love's little sister! I've loved her ever since I first heard her first song on the radio. It's not really the whole marrying Kevin thing that makes me lose respect for her now. It's just how she totally let herself go in all aspects of her career. I've heard from people, "She's pregnant! Let her look like that!" But, other celebs worth Brit's money who got pregnant still looked great and didn't walk around barefoot into bathrooms and walk IN PUBLIC with Cheetos stains on her clothes! She's lost all my respect for good. If she comes back, great for her. But looking like you came right out of the trailer park and talking and carrying herself the way she does makes her look completely without class and self-respect. Whatever! Xtina's album is coming out soon. She'll finally take the spot as the next Madonna. She's everything her former rival isn't: she has class, sophistication, a hubby with a JOB, and, oh yeah, she has a little thing called talent. Britney can go away if she wants to. The pop world won't be missing out.
I very much enjoy Britney as a singer/entertainer, what I don’t like about her is her celebrity. Despite my waning fandom, I remain a fan and think she can make a comeback. I think it’s easy to write her off now because she hasn’t done anything career-wise for the past two years, due being on materially leave. Despite her ridiculous nature, she does have a track record for releasing smash hits from each album. (e.g. "...Baby, One More Time," "Oops!...I Did It Again," "I’m a Slave 4 U," and "Toxic.") I think it will only take her the following to bring the focus back onto her music career: (1) losing the post-pregnancy weight quickly, (2) having compelling danceable material that will excite her audience, (3) take formal vocal lessons (it’s long overdue and would be beneficial), and lastly (4) divorce K-Fed or stop including him in her career-related affairs.

xyboyms said:
It's not really the whole marrying Kevin thing that makes me lose respect for her now. It's just how she totally let herself go in all aspects of her career. I've heard from people, "She's pregnant! Let her look like that!" But, other celebs worth Brit's money who got pregnant still looked great and didn't walk around barefoot into bathrooms and walk IN PUBLIC with Cheetos stains on her clothes! She's lost all my respect for good.

So, Britney opting for a life of normalcy has led you to lose respect for her? I really don’t understand why some harbor such animosity for her dress code. She doesn’t dress any differently from other normal pregnant women I’ve seen. I think she should be commented for not giving into society’s narrow-minded standards of beauty, despite her mass fortune. As a former Britney fan, you do know that she was often vilified for presenting a body image that was unattainable (a figure that was once physically fit, not emaciated a la Nicole Ritchie) early in her career. Now that she is currently unable to do her regimen of 500-1,000 sit-ups a day she’s criticized even more for her fuller physique and opting for comfort. Damned if she do, damned if she don’t.

Also, as I recall correctly, Britney was photographed entering two separate public restrooms, on two different days, without footwear over a year-n-half ago. (FWIW Kirea Knightly was recently photographed without her shoes, walking around London, and no fuss was made.) Before those careless incidents, she was photographed once holding & eating a bag of Cheetos -- which has become this tedious long running joke -- both occurred when she wasn’t pregnant in 2004.

On another note -- I don’t know why you feel the need to belittle Britney by bringing up Christina, especially when Ms. Aguilera denounced any sort of feud/rivalry between the two recently in Newsweek. But, as you say, whatever!
I'm one to not really care too much about celebrities personal lives, so I don't care who she marries or doesn't. With that said I love her and I hope we get some new Britney music soon.
Gemini Valley, you have every right to love her just as I have every right to not like her.
By the way, did you SEE the Dateline invterview she did with Matt Lauer a few weeks ago????
If she isn't the poster girl for unintelligent white trash, then I don't know what is!
xyboyms said:
Gemini Valley, you have every right to love her just as I have every right to not like her.
By the way, did you SEE the Dateline invterview she did with Matt Lauer a few weeks ago????
If she isn't the poster girl for unintelligent white trash, then I don't know what is!

I never stated anything about you not being able to like her. You're underlining reason for your dislike, Christina Aguilera, was what I was talking about. There's really no need to compare, it's no longer 1999.

Yeah, unfortunately, I did see the interview. Wasn't a big fan of it. It seems the older she gets, the more difficult it is for her to articulate her thoughts as well as she would like to, and means to.

The full picture shows her stepping on her skirt, hence the reason it rolled down. On the bright side, at least she's wearing underwear.
It is mind-boggling to me that people still compare Britney and Christina to this very day! Both have completely moved on since they first came out. I've never really liked Britney from the very outset even though she had that talent at a very young age but that talent seemed to be engulfed and overshadowed by the hype and the pressure of the music industry in America. I've always admired Christina because she's a true artist who understands and appreciates music...tell me which white girl at the age of 10 sings a Billie Holiday or a BB King number?
Hit me baby one more time

I miss my Baby one more time Britney. I just saw a video of Britney from 1999, my how times have changed.

I know she was only 16 when she came out and she would have to grow into a woman but sometimes i see pictures of her and im like where is my Britney, where is my OOps i did it again?

After she broke up with justin everything went downhill but i stuck by her and ill continue to stick by her although my journey with Britney came full circle when she FINALLY won a grammy for the pop classic "Toxic".

Britney was robbed best new artist in 2000, but no sour grapes she has her grammy now and all is right with the pop world.

Every baby i guess is a blessing but, one baby was bad enough, but now she is going to be tied down to kevin even more. After she had sean she should have divorced him and moved on.

In any event i am happy is she is happy and i know she always wanted a big family and lots of kids so she is living her dream

A celebrity astrologist said that britneys star is alligned with venus of the northern galaxy which means that her marriage to kevin will work and that she will have a big comeback in 2007 - 2008.

In the mean time Rihanna the co-princess of pop is keeping the music alive until Britney returns.

From "Baby one more time" to "My perogative" ive been with Brit and will be here when she gets back in shape and takes the pop world by storm again.
This is so exciting. The celebrity psychic was right when she said Britney is coming back big in 2007 :D .

I just saw an interview with Ne-Yo and he said he is co-writing a couple songs for Britney for her next album.

Ne-Yo wrote "Unfaithful" and has written many hit songs for artists.

This new Britney album is gonna be hot.