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Bryan Fischer Of American Family Association Slams Mitt Romney's 'Lackluster Campaign'


Jun 9, 2010
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Bryan Fischer Of American Family Association Slams Mitt Romney's 'Lackluster Campaign'

Conservatives have long criticized the Republican presidential nominee for running a campaign as nothing more than the “anti-Obama.” That seemingly changed when Romney announced Ryan as his VP, promising to change the course to a “substantive policy debate” and sparking what at first appeared to be a major shift in momentum.

But instead of engaging in a robust discussion on Ryan’s "path to prosperity," detailed in his controversial budget plan, the Romney campaign has mostly pushed the House Budget Committee chairman to adopt Romney talking points based squarely on President Barack Obama’s own shortcomings.

That decision, coupled with a refusal to talk about social issues, according to Fischer, is what has put Romney in a vulnerable spot, struggling to combat the president’s growing lead across key swing states.

Someone is finally catching on?

This group goes on to state that if the GOP does not win the presidency it will effectively die. I agree.

Thank god. Let's hope the new GOP incarnation faces some realities, such as the will of the people, and the diversity of the nation. instead of pretending that they don't exist.

Do you guys.. progressives and conservatives and everyone in between... do you guys agree with the assessment here and what are the implications?

Would you prefer a more socially liberal fiscally conservative party or is it finally time to have the libertarians run the GOP?
Fingers crossed that the GOP looses big timev across the board.

They need to be more like the UK's Conservative Party.

The liars (Fox News, Rush, Dr Laura, Hannity, Coulter) have to go, as well as the crazed tabloids like the NY Post, the Boston Herald.

Fringe groups like Fischer's, Perkin's, NOM & EVERY politically oriented religious group (which includes Huckabee & Santorum's/Ryan's versions of Catholicism) need to butt out, or should be taxed.

I think Bloomberg & A-hnuld had the right idea a few years ago, a socially liberal-middle with a fiscal conservative outlook. It'll never work with this lying bunch in charge.
Romney supporters seem to be fine with voting for him just so that Obama wont be reelected. I've yet to hear anyone personality or in The Gary Johnson FB page comments, actually wanting to vote for the GOP ticket rather being a lesser evils reason.

As for the social issues, not in this economy, or else they'll turn off lots of people.

I believed the GOP was already bringing social issues in play after opposing Civil Unions in their platform, which they didn't need to do.
Fingers crossed that the GOP looses big timev across the board.

They need to be more like the UK's Conservative Party.

The liars (Fox News, Rush, Dr Laura, Hannity, Coulter) have to go, as well as the crazed tabloids like the NY Post, the Boston Herald.

Fringe groups like Fischer's, Perkin's, NOM & EVERY politically oriented religious group (which includes Huckabee & Santorum's/Ryan's versions of Catholicism) need to butt out, or should be taxed.

I think Bloomberg & A-hnuld had the right idea a few years ago, a socially liberal-middle with a fiscal conservative outlook. It'll never work with this lying bunch in charge.

Hear Hear.

The last thing that America or the World needs is a party of millenialist Christians hell bent on bringing on Armageddon while making the evangelical Baptist Church the de facto arbiter of community standards and academic standards.


Stop trying to play to an ever more ignorant, fringe base of whackos and racists.

Grow up.

Or die.
I'm surprised that a lot of Christians are against Romney just for him being Mormon. My thinking was they just do not like Mormons.
At least in my family.
I don't buy the bullshit line that the GOP ail die. Although that could be a step towards four parties in america
I don't buy the bullshit line that the GOP ail die. Although that could be a step towards four parties in america

think that the radicalization of the party may end, but the party itself will be taken control of by other factions, what remains, of the moderates and the libertarians
The republican party has been ripped apart for years by these groups they've pandered to for votes. It's only a matter of time before the parasites kill their host and this just might do it.
MSNBC announced on Friday that Paul Ryan is throwing $2-million in his re-election campaign..Isnt that a bit strange?....LOL......

There's a Bubba Democrat in his District that is getting a lot of attention and Lyin'Ryan is GROWING scared.....
I hope the GOP dies as it has become nothing more then a party for theocratic Christian Supremacy.
This past week, conservative radio host Laura Ingrham told her audience..." If the republicans can't beat Obama in this election, they need to shut down the party and start over. All new people."
This past week, conservative radio host Laura Ingrham told her audience..." If the republicans can't beat Obama in this election, they need to shut down the party and start over. All new people."
Ingraham of course means kick out all the non-ideologically purist conservatives. At best the hard right represents maybe 25-30% of the population that votes, discounting those mildly conservative... maybe another 10% or so .Not exactly a prescription for a public mandate.
I agree and disagree in part.

I agree that the failure of the Romney campaign to engage in a policy debate and just continue the anti-Obama anything theme is a sign of weakness and a mistake.

I disagree that his lack of focus on social issues is a mistake since his positions are in the minority on most social issues so that will only hurt him (and in contrast that is why the Dems have been focusing so much on that).

I disagree that the GOP is going to die if they lose. People have been predicted the demise of the other major party for decades but we've had these two parties for over 150 years and neither is going anywhere. They may change dynamics but they aren't going to go away.
No, Fischer has been consistently anti-Romney for a long time now. Ever since it became apparent that Romney would be the GOP nominee. A lot of the hardcore Christians on the right are.

If I remember correctly, wasn't Fischer the one who hounded Romney for having an openly gay security spokesman and then, when the guy "left" the campaign, Fischer blasted him on air for taking orders from a lowly radio host (him)? Hahah, that had to hurt. Fischer has had a hard-on for Romney since the beginning and there's nothing Romney could ever do to make this asshole happy.
There does not see to be all the love from the religous right for Mitt and Twitt.
The mainstream religious right has to be struggling.

For many of the Baptists out there, the idea of some guy from a freak offshoot religious cult with a big choir being their leader, with a Catholic by his side must be making them really nervous.

Common cause on abortion, homos and fighting the muslim in the White House notwithstanding, a lot of them have to be thinking that their evangelical movement hasn't got quite what it hoped for in this election cycle.
And we should be happy for that. Can you begin to imagine what would happen on the off chance of Santorum or Crazy Eyes actually winning?


Both of them would have run better campaigns against the president than Romney has.

There are actually a host of christian facebook pages that have sprung up in opposition to Romney and Ryan, based on their behavior and policies being immoral. Some are left leaning social progressive Christians who think that the poor need to be more important than guns.

Some are to the Right, claiming that he is not a christian, but a cultist, and he is not to be trusted.

The Christian community has not embraced Romney, for a host of reasons. The Teavagicals will vote for him no matter what.