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Bus Ad Shows Your Own Weight


color outside the lines
JUB Supporter
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Between the Earth & Sky, and the River & Forest- S
Think of the food restaurants, mall food ;)

People waiting on the bench of this bus stop could see their measured weight in the poster space. Fitness First.

Agency: N=5 Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
This bus ad for Fitness First in Rotterdam, The Netherlands gives you the hard sell via shame. It uses a scale in the seat to display just how fat you are to everyone around.

I, for one, would be pretty pissed off if I didn't know about this thing and sat down to wait for the bus, only to notice people laughing at my weight. It's an attention grabbing ad, to be sure, but one that might just cross the line into ruining the bus stop rather than just advertising via it. But hey, if it's getting people to work out at Fitness First, it's effective. What say you? [DirectDaily via Animal New York]
Insulting people in public about their weight is a decidedly primary school approach. Obviously people can tell who is fat and who is thin, but the actual number should be a personal piece of information. What next, a seat that displays the age of anyone who sits on it?
Not exactly what I would call ethical.

Fantastic idea though, really clever
Better make sure a few people are sitting down on it before you take a seat..

I kind of find it amusing.. but insulting to people that are big.
How can it weight the legs and feet?

And if you're ashamed about the number displayed, remember that there's a difference if you're a heavyweight b******lder or a fatty.
If I sat on it, I'd probably pull out a candy bar because I feel so guilty about how much I weigh...
What next, a seat that displays the age of anyone who sits on it?

Weight is usually something that can be controlled. Age obviously cannot be controlled.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with it. If you don't like it, then don't sit on it. The only problem I see is maybe there are older people or people with medical conditions that must sit, so maybe they should consider putting in a seat that does not weigh people. It seems that the Dutch are concerned with getting an obesity rate like that in the US.
Being overweight and obesity
An important and increasing health problem is that of being overweight and obesity. In the Netherlands more than 40% of people are overweight, 10% are obese. The Netherlands seems to follow the trend in the USA at a distance of about 10 years. In the meantime the figures in the US show 56% overweight and 22.5% obesity. In the past 20 years the percentage of overweight children between ages 5 and 11 has increased dramatically from 4% to 10%. The incidence of obesity in that group even increased eightfold in 20 years. Most conspicuous is the increase of overweight in very young children (from age 3).

Being overweight and obese occurs more in certain groups of the population. For example, people with little education are 4 times more likely to have obesity than highly educated people. The amount of overweight and obese immigrants is comparable to the American situation. Especially in Turkish and Moroccan children, the percentages of being overweight and obese are more than twice the percentage in Dutch children of comparable age intervals.

I guess now I have to wait and let people criticize my comments. :p
Wouldn't it suck to sit down on it, only for the scale to read "ERROR"?
I would sit on it. It would not bother me in the least. I workout like crazy (love the adrenaline rush) and eat properly. And I want it to say....this man has a flat stomach as well. lol..... (j/k)
I don't find a problem with it at all. We need them in the U.S.