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Can you have friends with whom you disagree to some degree politically?


JUB 10k Club
Jun 28, 2005
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Can you separate politics from the personal,or do you never want to deal with someone you may disagree somewhat or intensely on major issues and their overall perspectives? I see it more often these days whether right or left, people intensely into politics not only disagree but question the character and motivations of those on the other side. Can you maintain friendships with those you disagree with?

From John Adams/Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan/Tip O'Neill there have been many political friendships between those of opposite parties. Not always easy but valuable lessons that you don't have to be disagreeable to disagree or see the other side purely in apocalyptic moral terms of debasement and ultimate evil.
Of course. We agree to disagree. We respect the freedom of speech.
Most definitely... in fact, it is often funner to have discussions with those who disagree with me (as long as both sides have the ability to not take things personally at the end of the day). I can pretty much get along with anyone who isn't overtly bigoted.
For me it's not so important what a person's political views are. I'm more interested in how they express them, both through words and actions. I know people whose views are close to mine, but I can't stand the way they behave. (Aggressive, self-righteous, etc.)

If a friend and I have very different views, it may help our friendship if we agree not to discuss politics, but it rarely leads to serious problems in my friendships.
It depends.

I've known a large number of centre-left, pure centrist, centre-right, and hard right wing people. I'm fairly hard left myself, so I get along with those on the left of the spectrum. Most of my friends would identify directly in the 'centre'.

The problem is, politics is a passion for me. As such, I talk a lot about it with my friends. We discuss news events revolving around politics, and if you want to be a 'good' friend of mine, you're someone I can talk 'shop' with. If we're constantly disagreeing, and neither of us are willing to budge, I don't think we could remain friends.
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Yep, I can be. One of my best friends is a pretty staunch republican. We just don't talk about politics, or if we do we just talk lightly of the subject, but we never argue about any of it.
Definitely. My parents belong to opposing political parties - and are still together 'til this day. One of those lessons they didn't have to teach me except by example.

It depends on the nature of the difference. In my experience politics is a struggle to embody universal principles in law; it isn't a matter of taste. So while one friend might like modern art and another doesn't even notice art but is an avid cook, it makes no difference to me. But other ideas are just wrong; homophobia for instance.

Freedom of speech does not come with a guarantee of friendship.
I lean liberal but have a few friends who are conservative, or rather conservative moderates. We can all hang out and not talk about politics, or when we do we can do it in a way that doesn't leave us all hating each other by the end of it. I think we all have made peace with the fact that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And at the end of the day if we all enjoy hanging out with each other otherwise then it shouldn't make a huge difference that we have differences.

The Butch Queen
I have several friends with differing opinions. However I respect that they can disagree with me ..... The world would be boring if everyone felt the exact same way.
Can and do. I will say I do have a "philosophical" clique of friends that I talk politics and other topical issues with that I wouldn't dare open to other friends. If you are a "stick in the mud" sort of person, political discussion is not the thing for you.
Sure, I have friends who are.....Republicans! (don't be too frightened!)

They know where I stand , and what I think of their views.....
Glad to hear all of your perspectives, as politics can often be very contentious, and get personal. Sometimes can be very difficult to separate political disagreements from the person but I know people left and right and value them as people. Only ones I couldn't deal with are those who advocate hateful positions or act as anal assholes regarding their positions on the issues. It's fun and sometimes very informative bantering stuff back and forth. Of course,there are a whole lot of times I want to talk anything BUT politics and just enjoy some good company.
Definitely. My parents belong to opposing political parties - and are still together 'til this day. One of those lessons they didn't have to teach me except by example.

I guarantee that you also know a couple (or at least one-half of that couple) within commuting distance, in which the two people are far apart politically. You almost certainly know who I mean because, as you also know, I hardly know a thing about your friends.

I lean liberal but have a few friends who are conservative, or rather conservative moderates. We can all hang out and not talk about politics, or when we do we can do it in a way that doesn't leave us all hating each other by the end of it. I think we all have made peace with the fact that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And at the end of the day if we all enjoy hanging out with each other otherwise then it shouldn't make a huge difference that we have differences.
Heck, it used to be, and not all that many years ago, that Congresscritters from opposite sides of the aisle used to get together and hang around and visit after hours. I understand that has become a rarity in the modern Bizarro world of U. S. politics now.