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CEOs half million $ cap Obama


JUB 10k Club
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
do you think its a good idea if companies need tax payers help ?
i think its a great idea :)

Bill gate earns every cents of his money but not CEOs.
About fucking time.

I'm glad someone is thinking.
^ Umm, don't do what I say or we yank your funding.

Seems simple enough.
He will only cap the pay of CEO's who are taking tax payer money. Any company not receiving tax payer money doesnt have to have a earnings cap.
^I think you mean "and", liam... :lol:

(Don't mean to be a grammar cop, but it's not really clear what you mean without a bit of thought. !oops! Sorry.)

When I first went through this thread I didn't quite understand, but now I do, and I think it's a good idea. What are you going to do with more than $500k/yr anyway if you're living a normal, yet slightly more luxurious life than the average American? I think it's only fair.
Yes, yes - "and" is what I meant.

As depressing as it may be, my attention to detail has been greatly reduced - proper spelling and grammar have fallen by the wayside.
Is that a cap on salaries, or the cap on the size of the bonuses they can pay themselves?

All in all, Obama should've halved that. A quarter of a million dollars is enough to live well on each year, IMO.
Meant to say as an example that Obama is missing the poor with his middle class emphasis and also that salary caps will do nothing to help the poor. Isn't that the most critical problem or one of the most critical - people who can't afford a house or to feed their children or even themselves because they either can't find work or they are paid so poorly they can't cover expenses - even the most basic ones.
The meta point I am making is that you sometimes have to see the "point of the point" being made and apply some creative non-linear thought to snap out of determinisms. Try it - you might find going beyond a reaction "You make no sense" is more constructive and certainly more informative.
"You make no sense" sound like a 10000th derivative of what some illustrious unknown once I need to take a nice SHIT.
Ahhh. Well I understand that.

The poor are still paying taxes though. And the President, and I do too, think that it is wrong for CEO's to be taking home fat checks and bonuses while recieving another persons hard earned money.

If you want to look deeper though. This means CEO's will be forced to put this into fixing their fucked up companies and creating jobs so that the poor can have more money.
On the surface, it seems okay. But there are always unintended consequences. Anyone out there see any that come to mind?

most CEOs are very good at using other peoples money to do business.
I wonder if they can survive doing small business using their own money ....
On the surface, it seems okay. But there are always unintended consequences. Anyone out there see any that come to mind?

most CEOs are very good at using other peoples money to do business.
I wonder if they can survive doing small business using their own money ....

What are the CEOs daily duties anyway ?

looking at stock markets, phone calls and doing some paper work ?