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"Charm School" has a new headmistress!


Sex God
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ricki is a major upgrade from the trashy, charmless likes of Sharon and Mo'Nique. I can actually believe Ricki as a voice of reason and a guide for the girls towards non-slutty, productive behavior.

Really?? Rikki? a voice of reason??? Have you ever seen The Rikki Lake show?? Sharon was far from trashy. People wanted to hate on her because of what she did to that skanky bitch from last season who insulted her husband. Sharon is the most real, down to earth person I've seen.

I guess I won't be watching anymore..
but who's it gonna be in Charm School? Real Chance at Love girls? Or For the love of Ray J girls?
oh right I forgot about Rock of Love could I! That's the only one I'm watching...I can't stand Real and Chance and I would never watch Ray J's...cause who the f cares about's not like he has trouble getting girls....
ugh this'll just make Megan think she won... stupid whore.
glad to see Ricki Lake back on tv...besides on TMZ randomly :p

figured that was going to happen to Sharon....not like she's going to care...she's still got America's Got Talent (but no taste...especially after last season)...and isn't she still on X-Factor in the UK?...

and those Rock of Love Bus chicks need to go to Charm School like now....