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Class, the lesson today is "Karma", please open your links to...

EXACTLY what he deserves. :)
I saw this a while back. The speed the car is traveling and the impact to his face, I doubt he survived.
oh come on, he survived, that car wasn't moving more than 25mph, and it wasn't a fatal impact, but i'm sure he had some trauma.

and ya know what? little pr*ck got what he deserved too, he won't be doing that again. He learned a good lesson, "don't be a f*cking retard."
Wow, I would say that I'm shocked people are stupid enough to pull crap like that, but really, I'm not. The fucker deserved every ounce of agony he got from that accident, I hope he got some nice scars from that so that he wakes up every day and looks in the mirror and is reminded of how much of an asshole he really is. Too bad the other people in the car didn't get a face full of car as well.

[sorry about the bitterness, I have no sympathy for people like this, especially as a cyclist myself]
oh come on, he survived, that car wasn't moving more than 25mph, and it wasn't a fatal impact, but i'm sure he had some trauma.

and ya know what? little pr*ck got what he deserved too, he won't be doing that again. He learned a good lesson, "don't be a f*cking retard."

:=D: :=D: :=D:
The parents probably will sue the the car manufacturer for allowing the door to come open while in motion!!
Hysterical, antdak, you are so right! LOL

Anyway, what goes around, comes around.
I always wonderd what happened to that guy.

I hope he experienced pain for a while.. but we all do stupid things... hope he wasn't hurt permanantly...

other than his pride.
i don't have any doubt that that kid lived and i still say he got what he deserved.

we all do stupid things, but we only learn from them if we get bitten (or sometimes almost get bitten) in the ass for it.
Wow, I would say that I'm shocked people are stupid enough to pull crap like that, but really, I'm not. The fucker deserved every ounce of agony he got from that accident, I hope he got some nice scars from that so that he wakes up every day and looks in the mirror and is reminded of how much of an asshole he really is. Too bad the other people in the car didn't get a face full of car as well.

[sorry about the bitterness, I have no sympathy for people like this, especially as a cyclist myself]
Natural Selection: 2006