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Clinton Slams Obama in 2008 -- Looking at the Past

Jack Springer

JUB Addict
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Just to refresh everyone's memory about how Obama runs his campaigns.

... and how we forget what people say to get elected ....

Oh you really are incredibly frantic aren't you?


This isn't about 2008 any more.

didn't you hear? Obama appointed Hillary SoS.
shall we look back at the past using you and jack's style of thread disruption?

I have a few of 2008 I would like to share....

Anybody else want to take a stroll down memory lane with me in 2008, Jack style?

Any of you remember the recent republican primary? That was about some of the most acrimonious campaigning I can remember.

That's what people will focus on when they vote in November 2012--not what happened in the election 4 years ago.

How's that going to play out when the Dems start using clips of those quips in their campaign ads? Who called who a liar?
it's looking back at 2008 time boys and girls...

what a wonderful world it was that the GOP created.

AH...SO....Bush slammed Reagan in 1980- totally loyal VP for 8's called POLITICS!

Oh, I'm very aware of how politics "work"--I'm a retired Federal employee who worked with some wonderful and not-so-wonderful political appointees. The stories I could tell...

But my question remains--do you think we'll see quip clips from this most recent republican primary campaign being used in the near future? If so, to what impact, if any?
Oh, I'm very aware of how politics "work"--I'm a retired Federal employee who worked with some wonderful and not-so-wonderful political appointees. The stories I could tell...

But my question remains--do you think we'll see quip clips from this most recent republican primary campaign being used in the near future? If so, to what impact, if any?

"looking at the past..."



The days must be hanging long and heavy for the impassioned Obama haters to see MittCo. destroying their hopes for a Triple Crown win this Novemeber.

Shuuurrrrrllllyyyy we don't need to stop at 2008.

Let's go back to when Obama was plotting the downfall of the US while studying in the Madrassa.
Oh, I'm very aware of how politics "work"--I'm a retired Federal employee who worked with some wonderful and not-so-wonderful political appointees. The stories I could tell...

But my question remains--do you think we'll see quip clips from this most recent republican primary campaign being used in the near future? If so, to what impact, if any?

The Obama campaign will do whatever it needs to do to get re-elected.

Sad, but the Romney campaign probably won't.

The only person he was mean to in the primary was Gingrich in Iowa.
This one is a special one back from 2008 that shows two members of the same party attacking each other.....
