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Cure hiccups with a finger up the ass


color outside the lines
JUB Supporter
Sep 12, 2004
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Between the Earth & Sky, and the River & Forest- S
i thought that you guys might get a kick of this one...

Cure hiccups with a finger up the ass

A New Zealand medical journal recounts the story of a man whose incurable hiccups were cured with a finger up his ass:
A 60-year-old man with acute pancreatitis developed persistent hiccups after insertion of a nasogastric tube. Removal of the latter did not terminate the hiccups which had also been treated with different drugs, and several manoeuvres were attempted, but with no success. Digital rectal massage was then performed resulting in abrupt cessation of the hiccups. Recurrence of the hiccups occurred several hours later, and again, they were terminated immediately with digital rectal massage. No other recurrences were observed. This is the second reported case associating cessation of intractable hiccups with digital rectal massage. We suggest that this manoeuvre should be considered in cases of intractable hiccups before proceeding with pharmacological agents.​
Would penile rectal massage work as well?
Well, Runner, the article said 'digital', so I guess they used a clock instead of a cock.
Don't most people hold their breath when they are having a rectal exam? That would splint the diaphragm and stop the hiccups. Other than that, it would just be his vagal tone kicking in.

What was the indication for the PR exam in the first place though? If they have established a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, why are they PRing him??
I've got the hiccups.

Can someone give me some help please?
Nonsense. I've had my brain tumor for years and I rarely get the hiccups :p
Hmmn. A new use for those butt plugs (see other thread!).

i think i may have finally found the cause of homosexuality

incureable hick ups
i have the hiccups,non-stop sneezing,and a twitch in my left eye. what can be done for me?
I would suggest not getting rid of the hiccups in this manner if you find yourself in a nice restaurant or public place......

For BD....I think you need to have a rectal stimulation followed by healthy dose of protein injection, which, if delivered correctly, can be properly placed on your face to calm both the sneezing and eye problem!

If it doesn't work, at least whoever is doing it will have had a good time....

I have heard of some wierd cases of people's excuses for getting laid; but this one certainly takes the to speak!

If ya want sex; just ask for it and don't try and disguise "IT" as some other reason!(*8*) (*8*) :kiss: :kiss: