Hey Nathan,
Let's have talk heart to heart from a fellow surivour.
I have never had anyone in my life attemept suicide, other than myself. I've attempted more than 4 times in my life, the last attempt being over 3 years ago. My own encounters with sucide allow me to offer a unique perspective. I've also been the victim of rape. My rapist was my best friend and some one I cared deeply about. In a way, it was like he died that moment. Because of the betrayal, I lost the person I loved in an instant. Further, I felt robbed of a sacred relationship. And finally, he never explained to me why it happened and I was left to deal with the remains.
I hope you can see the pareels between us. Perhaps one could say that I was lucky to be able that he was still alive, but I've been forced to watch, through the words of others, his descent into drug addiction and prositution. But either way,
I know what it's like to be betrayed by someone I loved deeply and I understand the horrednous pain the loss of that person in your life can bring.
So that's where this advice is coming from:
The single greatest lesson I learned was this:
love is the greatest power in the universe, greater than the pain within me and the pain without.
Sounds corny? Let me explain. In my journey, I've been through therapy, group therpay, self help books, religionous counselers, traditional shamans, and even Oprah for Gods sakes. There isn't a healing perspective I haven't bumped into.
And what I've learned is that we create our own world. Our choices shape our lives. What we believe about ourselves becomes our world. I used to think I was raped because i wasn't pretty enough or good enough for him. i believed that so deepely that many other people in my life abused and mistreated me. Why did that happen? Because I believed that I deserved. That belief was already in my head even before the rape occured, but the rape reinforced it.
In regards to you, what so you believe about yourself? Do you think you should have saved him? Was it possible for you to help? Do you blame yourself? Or do you see it as his falut? Are you unable to love again? Are any of these thoughts bouncing around in your head? I'm not sure if they are, but look inside and see what comes up. Chances are, you have internilzed some belief about yourself that is limiting your ablity to heal.
When I finally realized that I couldn't spend my life the vicitm of other people and these internal beliefs were limiting me from achieving my own peace,
I let go of them. It took me years. And I'm still realsing those beliefs.
Things like writing, yoga, reiki, dream work, massage, spiritual study, and counseling rape victims myself have helped. But what these activies really did was help me become more comofrtable and loving towards myself.
You see, the reason I held onto my anger and my grief, the reason I couldn't move forward, had nothing to do with my rapist. It was all about me. I believed that I wasn't strong enough, not good enough, coduln't do it, wasn't important enough, could never overcome that barriar....
and when I clued into that and really worked to understand and myself,
then I was finalyl able to really forgive him. and move on with my life.
I won't lie, I still have trouble (flashabcks, etc.), but things have never been better in my life.
Relationships are hard, because I have to trust all over again, but still, I'm learning there as well....
so you see,
healing is possible. It happens and it's real. But it only comes to those who seek it.
i mean, some people just focus on the problem the pain and the despair. They never move past it. They are stuck, somewhere between guilt and suffering.
Why? because it's easy and safe. They pretend it's about needing "time to heal", but really it's bcause they scertly enjoy being miserable. Think about it. it frees them from all responsiblity in life. If everything is horrible and never be the same, then why bother?
I know you aren't like that. And I hope that this made any kind of sense....(if you have qwuestions, pm me)
but what I'm saying is this:
When I learned to love myself (and I mean really love myself, bs and all),
I was able to heal and release the past.
I think that's a universial lesson.
As my mentor, an asended yogic and aruivedic master, once said,
"in love, there can be no fear. No anger. No suffering. There is no pain whose winds can move the tree of life and all is well. Why? How can it be so simple? Because it is so. When you love, you embrace all life. You accept everything. You do not seek power or wealth. You can only give and forgive. Heal and strengthen. When you live, every moment in the choice of loving, how can any pain exist within the light of your soul? You are finally, like a pilgrim who reaches the long awaited temple, free. That is the greatest secert in the universe. All you seek and all you need can be found within the heart of love. And you need nothing more than what you already have"
Nathan, I hope that helps.
I hold you in my prayers and if that made no sense, then I'm sorry for highjcking your thread.
From one heartwarror to another,