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Destroying Somebody


Complexly Simple
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Auburn, AL, USA
If someone hurt you very badly, and you had the opportunity to destroy them (say by telling their job about them or something like that) could you do it? Would you do it?

Keep in mind this individual hurt you very badly.

Post honestly.

Food for thought.
maybe! would depend what they did! if someone outed me then i would, but probly nothing else could wind me up enough.
Nope I would and could not do that.

If this was something physical then of course the authorities should be involved.
i dont think i would

but if it was in the heat of the moment and they were being a bitch then it could happen but probably not
If someone hurt you very badly, and you had the opportunity to destroy them (say by telling their job about them or something like that) could you do it? Would you do it?

Keep in mind this individual hurt you very badly.

Post honestly.

Food for thought.

I won't lie, I have a Taurean temper - it takes a while for me to get furious, but when I do, stand back! I can only say that I am mostly a nice person, and not vengeful, but when I am hurt or angry, I can do and say some terrible and hurtful things, and it's only in the heat of the moment, but it can have lasting and damaging effects. And more ofen than not, you end up regretting what you said or did.

So it's not out of my realm of possibility. But I would advise you to think long and hard about what you want to do, if anything at all. The damage is sometimes irreparable, and definitely not worth it.

Sad, but true...
by telling their job WHAT about them?

Anyway, no.

There are plenty of times people have done shit to me, but usually, I just kinda forget about it..

Like that time after my exboyfriend broke up with me after telling me I was fat and ugly.

Instead of going to the gay bar where he worked and telling them that he was gay, I just kept it all inside..

and then I broke into his apartment and cut the crotches out of all of his pants.

And then peed in all of his hair care products.

And spit in every jar in his fridge.

And put a cigarette out on his new broadloom carpet.

and stole his bedroom door.

I mean, I'm not VICIOUS.
I´d just put my Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan costume on and let its bitch powers act for themselves.

Note: I don´t need to reload myself, I have quite a handsome set of bitch costumes to choose from, modesty apart :mrgreen:
There have been a couple of times when I wanted to destroy someone but thought better of it. Two wrongs don't make a right. No matter what this person has done to you (short of it being a crime, in which case you should make it a police matter) once they have calmed down, the guilt will be theirs to bear. You are the better person for ignoring it. If this is a person who has a drug or alcohol problem that created this situation, you need to stay away from this person. I have seen a couple situations (not my own) where nasty anonymous letters were sent to employers or trouble was caused in other ways. In the end, nobody wins. Not knowing what this person has done to hurt you so badly, the only thing I can suggest is to stay far away from the person. What has been done to you is all about their character as a person and you don't need people like that in your life. If the person persists in causing you undue stress or "damage", seek legal action against them and fry them in court.
No,I would not do anything.Those things have a way of kicking back bad karma
No, I just keep all of my ex boyfriends heads on the wall as a reminder to all those who cross my path what to expect if they shit on me.
Basically, not. Revenge is neither worth my time nor my energy. If I can get any compensation for the demage done, rest assured, the other fellow will be sweating it out pretty soon.

If someone acted on premediated plan and wanted to destroy my position and standing, he is getting a big fight ahead of him. I neither enjoy nor relish in it, but I greatly feel compelled to set an example and thus, fend off unprovoked attacks in the future.

Nope, it ain't easy and it ain't simple either. But it has to be done...

I've been hurt by a lot of people in the past, but not to a point where I'd dedicate my existence to seeing something happen to them, or deliberately trying to hurt them. Despite my claims to have joined the dark side (and once again embrace my loathing for people), I'm not the vengeful type because other people just aren't worth it. For me, the best revenge is to move on and forget whoever hurt you or keep going in spite of them.
Nope. Karma's a bitch, and getting what you may think is payback for someone who had hurt you first evens the score is a total crock. Move on and let live, they'll get theirs without any personal intervention.

And to bw92116: harboring ill will for years in order to wait for the chance to get back at someone already makes you look bad, not to mention pathetic since you will keep those losers who screwed you over around...lemme guess, a Libra?
Just to clarify, this is a hypothetical situation, not something I am contemplating.

I'm a big believer in the karma thing too, and have been tempted many, many times to seek out retrobution for wrongs done to me. But in the end I figured that yes, they will destroy themselves in the end.

What get's my goat though are those people who do others wrong and yet they continue to prosper in life & love. I only hope that an afterlife of unimaginable horrors await them.:badgrin: