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Dropped Cellphone


an 8 pac and a V line
Nov 12, 2005
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I dropped mine today and i broke into a many pieces im a lil down right now.

Funny thing is i had dropped many times but i guess this was the humpty dumpty of all drops.

Anyone ever dropped their cellphone? or had it fall into water?
Yes. Dropped it into a swimming pool. That was the end of that. Unless you have replacement insurance coverage on your phone, you'll be buying a new one soon.
I dropped mine once.... it fell right down the winding stairs. Three floors down. Miraculously, it still works to this day. Though I have a feeling it's about to die on me soon...
I used to have a cell phone that I clipped to my belt. One day while taking a whiz it dropped straight into the urinal. I looked at my friend and told him "SHIT, I have to buy a new cell phone!" and left it right where it was and used his phone to report it stolen so they would cut off service temporarily. I reported it stolen because I didnt want to tell them the truth. My work mates were rolling on the floor (literally) laughing.
I haven't but my dad accidentally dropped his Treo into the toilet. He got a new one for his birthday.
Mine currently has a crack in it from falling and hitting the ground. It still works fine, and the crack is quite small, I have been so surprised that it has survived but it keeps going strong!
I've dropped mine so many times it's not even funny. Razr's are shitty cell phones but they're made pretty solid.
I was on the high speed ferry from hyannis to Nantucket on a choppy day. As always I was sitting out side, letting the wind zip across my newly bald head and had my cell phone in my shirt pocket. We hit a particulary large swell and I bounced and sure as shit the phone hopped right out of my pocket, bounced on the deck and right over the end of the boat and into the deep blue sea.....
I got thrown into a pool with the cell in my pocket, I let it dry out, and two days later, it was working again.

As far as Razrs go, yours must be from a different batch, cause mine sucks, I want to get rid of it soooo badly.
I was at work and dropped mine while repairing some equipment. I tried to grab it, lost my balance and stepped on it, dragging it across the asphalt. It still worked but the front display was useless afterwards.
I've dropped my current one, a Samsung T-309, on pavement several times, and it works just fine.

My old one a Nokia, I knocked off the couch right into a glass of Coca~Cola. I freaked. I took it apart & dried it out, and it still worked, except the #4 key sometimes stuck.

I guess I've had good luck with cellphones. I am by no means easy on them.
I took a face plant year ago while on the phone and split the thing in half. Funny thing is, it still worked, I just had to use the speaker function.

Oh, and a suggestion to those who soak their phone:

Remove battery and sim. Preheat oven to 100-120 deg. Bake for 10-25 mins. Let cool.
I have my parents on my account. My dad left his phone in his shirt pocket and it got washed. I took it in and only said it stopped working. They gave me a new one under warranty. (Yeah, there's a little more to it). Shame on me but it was replaced free.

As for Razr's, I want to get rid of mine also but have a year and a half left to go. I don't dare drop it. It'd probably break in a thousand pieces.

My good ol' LG VX10 was dropped many many times and worked great when I stopped using it at just shy of 100,000 minutes.
Dropped again today on concreet no less. I was able to save it sometimes i feels its build ford tough because the amount of unsupporting bunjee jumping it has endured, it just keeps going and going....
I've dropped phones and had the antena snap off. I've lost phones and had no idea of where. I hate the damn thing but can't imagine ever being without one ever again.

my old cell i dropped down from a second story window onto cement of my patio... and it worked perfectly fine... about 2 monthes later i dropped it while pulling it from my pocket onto my living room floor (which had very plush carpet) and it shattered