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Ever Get Scrubbed By Daddy In the Bath or Shower?

HazeMaster said:
Did your Father ever wash you in the bath or shower and scrub you down all over till you were squeaky clean?
I wish!
My dad and i used to work out a lot together until last year when he injured his knee. he was definitely in good shape and well endowed! we would always shower right by eachother and it was hard not to stare at how great his hairy body looked. he used to take me to the gym since i was 6 so im sure he saw how i developed through the years! when i was little we used to use the same shower head but since i was 9 or 10 we used seperate ones.
I vaguely remember being bathed by my father. I remember first bathing by myself though when I was about 5-6 after he showed me how to myself. My father was born in italy and moved to america, he has a strong temper and a nasty one. I am afraid to even try and tell him that I am Bi, or anything that has to do with Bi. But I think he has hints......

Me and my father barely speak, but when we do talk, its nothing exciting. Me and him sort have lost communication for a while now. Lets just say I was the least favorite child because I didn't want to work for the family business. But then I started to and we got closer..... No thanks, if you can't talk to me and relate to me w/o putting something in the middle like that, then fuck off. :mad: :badgrin:
don't see what the big problem is when children. it's a bath. the dad didn't have sex with his son, at least the thread doesn't say so
I have very fond memories of all my childhood(and even my pre-boyhhod) when I used to take showers with not just my dad and my two elder brothers but also with some of my cousins and all my uncles,and my beloved grandpa.This was by my father's family who happen to be mostly from Syria and therefore very machos,very furry and very strong.I always thank the Lord for my Arabian background/family roots.My Jewish relatives(my mom's)..that's another story!...very complex people...everything was sinful!...and this in a family of Sefardies from Turkey!...I can't think of my life if I were Orthodox Ashkenaz Jüden from let's say Lithuania!.
I don't remember sharing a bath w/my dad but he did dry me off many times. When I reached puberty he showed me how to clean under my foreskin by demonstrating on himself. He plumped up somewhat and I got a raging stiffie. He said "if it doesn't feel good you're not doing it right".
Loved showering naked with my uncle at the pool and when i reached puberty i loved showin my new hairs..loved watchin my uncle wash his ass crack!