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Female trap in male body = GAY ?


JUB Addict
Jul 2, 2004
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There's a book; can't remember title or author but it came out in the last 10 years or so: Somebody have it or know it??
Anyway, it explains how the male population doesn't have just two or three sexual orientations, but five or more.
And furthermore, just because I might like men and their dicks doesn't mean there's much Girl in me. Still there's some truth to it. I mean a little:
Men have nipples. Men are, embryologically speaking, ex-females.

But I am one of those gay guys that has little identification with Marilyn Monroe and similar Divas. I have very passing interest in what they are showing on the High-Fashion runways. I'm a bit of a slob if I'm busy.
I'm just not a very good woman. And the identification of gayness with femininity is baffling to me much more than it makes any emotional sense. But that's just me. And a lot of other gay-guys.
Nope. Absolutely not! I am who I am and I've been designed to be just that! :)
Nope, those are called transgendered people.
No, not at all.

I am a man that happens to be attracted to other men. I've never felt feminine at all. Except for the fact that I am a single man and don't have a g/f I figure no one would ever look at me as a gay guy.

I think that even some gays that have feminine characteristics don't think they are females trapped in a male body. They just happen to have mannerisms that are more female than male, but I figure that most of them are happy being guys. Not all of course.

A guy being attracted to another guy doesn't necessarily translate into the guy wishing he were a woman.

if theres a female in here with me, she has a mighty big clit :eek:
Sorry, I don't even like most women. They just make life more difficult for me. (There are a few exceptions of course, I have a very close female friend) I am a man who is attracted to men. NOT a woman!

A woman in a mans body is transgendered. I have a friend who was a man trapped in a woman's body. Several surgeries and lots of testosterone later and his body matches the man he has always been inside.

if theres a female in here with me, she has a mighty big clit :eek:

Umm Andreus, I wouldn't call that a clit. *|*

I've seen your pics that you posted the other day. :eek:

YOWZA! :kiss:



To answer Weeman's question.

Female trap in male body = Transgendered (NOT Gay).

Male trapped in a female body = Transgendered (NOT Lesbian).

Transgendered = "T" in GLBT. :D

The "B" is for Bisexual in case you weren't aware of that too. ;)

And as I understand it, Transgendered individuals can also be Bisexual! :D

Getting a handle on that? :D

There is no female in me... and no me in a female :p
Sometimes I hear my mother's voice in my head.

OK, I'll be honest ...

Some of my interests are a bit girly. I like to keep a clean house, and for it to have great interior design. I have an eye for that kind of thing.

But, not enough to want to make a living from it.

I learned to sew as a youngster, as well as type (in third grade). I like to cook, when I have time (which is not often).

But some of my interests are a bit boyish. I like cars, and I rebuilt engines and restored a 1963 Volkswagen in high school. I like computers, enough that I earn my living from them.

I don't talk much, and I can't do two things at a time. I'm very logical and linear in my thinking. Not female-like at all.

I'm not a girl, although (to be honest) I've always been a bit envious of them and their supportive social structures.

I'm all over the map. I'm me.
No female in this body. I find it very difficult to get along with most women, in fact I have a great distain for women. In fact most people refuse to believe that i'm gay once they find out about me. I'm not saying that some gay guys don't identify more with women or feel that they were meant to be women. I have had some very good friends that are drag queens/transgendered people. Just not for me I guess.
You can't base anything off one mans book. How do you know there's any truth to it. It's most likely a bunch of theories by the author. And so what if men have nipples, all humans do, who said it was a woman thing, maybe it's a man thing that women have then.

Never heard of breastfeeding??

"After conception the developing embryo follows a female template. It's only after six to eight weeks that the effect of a gene on the Y chromosome kicks in for boy embryos. This gene stimulates the production and influence of hormones such as testosterone, which 'masculinise' the embryo by altering physical development to form male features.

Nipples, however, are formed before this masculinisation process takes place, and nothing that goes on later reverses this.

So the story that God made Eve from Adam's rib got it the wrong way round. Males are an adaptation of females and the nipples are just one piece of evidence for this."
Not at all. I'm a guy who likes guys, I'm not a girl or girly in any sense of the word other than the fact that I'd like to fuck a guy.
Don't we all start off as female in the womb? I'm sure this is a true fact. Either that or I really should have paid much more attention in school. Meh. [-X
Don't we all start off as female in the womb? I'm sure this is a true fact. Either that or I really should have paid much more attention in school. Meh. [-X
Not sure, exactly, but I did a little reading and found this on another site. I'll just cut & paste cuz I don't wanna post links that might be against TOS. Someone had asked if all embryos start out as male and this is the answer they got.

You asked if all embryos begin as male. The quick answer is, "no, some
begin as males and others as females, depending on their chromosomal
constitution." But we have to examine this in a little more detail.
Fertilization is the process whereby a male gamete, the spermatozoon
(sperm), introduces its nucleus into the female gamete, the secondary
oocyte (egg). The nucleus of the sperm and the nucleus of the egg fuse with
each other to form a brand new cell, known as the zygote, which becomes the
new individual. If the sperm carries the Y chromosome, the zygote will
develop into a male, if the sperm carries the X chromosome, the zygote will
develop into a female. Therefore, GENETICALLY, the embryo is determined to
be male or female at the time of fertilization. However, the developing
gonads do not display male or female characteristics until about the 7th
week after fertilization. The Y chromosome carries a gene that codes for
the "testis determining factor," which induces the formation of the testes.
Certain cells of the testes then produce antimullerian hormone which
prevents the formation of the female genital tract.