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First Blowjob

Mar 21, 2006
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When did you get your first blowjob? How old were you? Where were you? Who blew you? I'm so bored ](*,)
It was 1987, I was 23, in a porno arcade in Hermosa Beach, CA. It was through a gloryhole, I finally got the guts to stick my hard dick through that hole.....I couldn't believe the feeling. I think you could say I've been hooked on blowjobs ever since.

I was 17 and somehow got into a porno arcade without showing an ID. How that happened I don't know because I sure didn't look 18 and I can't believe I had the guts to even try. Went back several times after I was 18 and was asked for ID every time. Anyway....
First blowjob was by a guy who seemed sooooo much older than me - probably 30. Not the greatest looking guy but I didn't care. It was the most amazing feeling in the world and I sucked him off after he was done with me. I drove home so horny with the taste of cum in my mouth that I practically ran into my parents' house and jacked off immediately. I'm happy to say it was just the beginning of many blowjobs - giving and receiving!
by a older neighbor man. I was 13 and he lived 2 doors down. from us. He came into my room one morning before I got up. it was duirng the summer when school was out. I hated it. I never told a soul & now wish that I had. I'm living with the scars. :cry:
I was 16 and a coworker (34 at the time) blew me in the bathroom.

It started by him walking outside to smoke a cigarette. I said, "Going suck a cigg?" He replied, "Yeah, unless you got something better for me to suck on."

I ran to the bathroom.
Haven't had my first blowjob with a guy yet, although I did jack off with another guy once when I was 13. My soon to be ex-wife gave me my first blowjob when I was 23, but I guess that doesn't count considering that this is a gay theme.
My first time was about three weeks ago which would have meant that I was 25... geez, talk about a late bloomer! I was so nervous that getting sucked really didn't send me over the loop like I thought it would but now that I'm more relaxed the feeling is way more intense. I was a guy's house that I had just met and he put the moves on me straight away!
My first giving and recieving blow jobs were from the same guy.

I was 14 and he was 44 I think. On the way back from the Mall, I felt weird asking him if he was gay and so forth, because I liked the guy. Well he put my head on his lap as we were driving then started to comfort me. Well I turned my head undid his pants and started sucking.

The first time he blew me was that night. And let me tell you, TEETH are bad. He didn't know how to do it, and he has been doing it longer then me. =\ I mean I can see a little teeth just to lightly go over, but teeth that dig a little, thats another story.

He was my father's employee.
in 2005 i was 19 he was my one and only "hook-up" i went to his place and we just fooled around a bit after strokin off he asked if he could blow me... i said only if i could him... so he went at it... its weird to suck at sucking.. but then again he used teeth... i was smart enough not to
god lets see, I was maybe 15 at the time, a friend of mine in boyscouts and I kind of became j/o buddies, he was like the big gay boy of our troop, and lots of times on campouts he would play with most of the guys dicks. well one night while we were at the local planetarium, he asked me if I ever had my dick sucked, I said no and he asked if I wanted to try it. I said sure and we headed down to the basement bathrooms. there we entered a stall, and he said take it out. i did, and when he put my cock in his mouth, I thought I was in heaven! I hadn't felt anything so good.. god he worked it so much, I never got off, guess it was the situation we were in. when he was done, he asked me if I would suck his now, i was a little hesitant, and then he pulls out this big hairy cock, and so I tried sucking it, enjoyed it, but wasnt nearly as good as he was at it.. we had to get going, so he asked me to lick his balls while he jacked off, which was great, nice set of fuzzy balls, low I licked and sucked on them while he pounded out a hard load. soon as he got done shooting, the door to the bathroom opened and we had to end our hot little session.
I was 15 and could not wait, I had been getting hand jobs and doin some dry humpin but that was it. Then at a party it happened, but it did not last long, I was so turned on I shot my load in like 10 seconds. Well....I was 15 and ALWAYS horny,
I'm surprised I was able to hold out 10 seconds
I was 15. He was 17. we were in high school together. He and I kept doing it for another 2 years. We got crazier and crazier where we would have sex. First blowjob was in his car. Then we would do it in the school bathroom, under the bleachers in the baseball field, on the roof of my parents' house, in the pool in my backyard.
FIRST BLOWJOB: I was 16 at a late rehearsal for my high school production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Mary Magdelene sucked me off. I was pretty sure I was gay then, but I was even more sure that I wanted to experience head. still stacks up as one of my favorite bj memories.

FIRST GAY BLOWJOB: I was 22 and rehearsing for another play. One of my colleagues had recently confessed to me that he had done an amateur gay porn video. I asked what blowing a guy was like. That was an obvious cue for him to whip it out, and he gave me some lessons. I think he liked my blowing him without his blowing me in return. But when he found out that no guy had ever sucked my dick, he was too excited to be my first.
I was 23 and in college. My roommate was gone for break. I met a guy online named Chad. He came over. I had dreamed about it for years and it was awesome!!!
My first BJ was a 69. Freshman yr. college. He was on the dorm floor below mine. He'd been "hinting around" for several months. That night, His roomy was gone, for some reason, and we ended up in his room, supposedly to play chess!

I don't remember the exact details, but since it was my first time sucking dick, he suggested we do it together at the same time! (Just to make me more comfortable about it!) I DO remember He swallowed me first, and what an incredible sensation THAT was! I also remember taking ALL of Him, into my throat, with NO "problems"!! And when I shot my load ... He pumped all His cum into My mouth!!

I was SO surprised I didn't gag! And I discovered I really Liked the taste of Sperm!! It also helped that I tend to like "salty"!! :badgrin: (We didn't even have any alcohol at the time!) :eek: :69:

As it turned out, He was also the first Guy I ever Fucked! But(t), that's an entirely different story! (!)

I'd been "playing" with other Guys before. This was the first time I'd ever swallowed one, though! I was all of 18! Just a "slow starter", I suppose!

Keep smilin'!! :kiss: (*8*)
Chaz ;)
Let's see, I was 12...he was 14. He was my brother-in-law's nephew. I had just learned what cumming was (having grinded it out with him) and he suddenly went down on me and started sucking. It felt really weird at first and kind of freaked me a little. I didn't suck him that day...but about a month later I put him in my mouth for the first time. First time I ever let someone cum in my mouth was when I was 18 and with Pat....we then both went our ways and got married, had two kids....and just like in Brokeback Mountain, I found out he had died just a few months before I came out a year ago......
The first of July this year. I'm 19. It was with my then BF. That feeling is hard to describe.
First blow job was when I was 14. Not a very nice experiance and not very memorable. I just thought the guy was trying to vaccum my penis right up into his stomach as he was sucking on it so hard. It lasted all of 12 seconds and I don't even remember if I came or not (probably not).
Embarrassingly enough I was 19, it was a Chinese girl and it was in my bedroom.

First BJ from a guy was at 25 - can't remember if it was good or not, he was older than me and not terribly attractive, but I was just consumed with discovering another man's body, I don't think I was really bothered in what he was doing to me.