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First Day


Last Chance Jubber
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
I had my first day at my new job yesterday. After about 1/2 an hour of completing paperwork and being shown around I was directed to the stack of ad slips and sent to work. Eight hours later I stumbled home, my head blurred by hours at the computer.

It was good, though. The job is easy, but varied enough to stay interesting and there are actual moments when I can be creative. I even have my own desk... I know not a huge deal, but at my last newspaper job I had to share one and it drove me crazy. Everyone was very helpful with answering my questions.

I know one other person in my department from outside of work, as well as a few of the reporters upstairs and a friend of mine who works at the front desk. One reporter even worked with me at another paper. I also know one of the proofreaders. So it's not just new people which is good for a shy boy like myself. It makes it less stressful.

Anyway, just wanted to update.

Thanks all for your support when I was stressing out. (*8*)
Good Job Simon, sounds like an awesome 1st day, I'm glad that you already have friends there to, that makes a new job a lot easier.

Congrats and continued good luck with the new job!

I know there may be some quirks of the new job; but do give it a good try before you find fault (I know the headaches with the new job come with the territory)!

Hang in there friend!(*8*) (*8*) :kiss: :kiss:
Celebrations to you.

The Brother of me speaks well of you.
Thanks for the news! I had wondered how things were going... happy that it's "so far, so good"!!
I think its great that you found something that makes you happy. There is no slower descent into hell than working in a job you can't stand. Now you're doing something that fits your skills and taps into your creative side. I'm glad you had a great first day. Here's to a great first week. :)