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Foley is ...............

Foley made a bad judgement call and is paying the ultimate price.

From what ive seen the guy in those messages is just as complicit in what happened.

The media witch hunt which has resulted is vindictave to say the least but yet typical of the media in todays society where sensationalism sells.[/quote]

This was not the product of sensationalism. On the contrary, this was the result of total neglect and ignorance amongst our Republican leaders who knew of Foley's crimes and did nothing about it...very similar to the business of the Catholic Church. We need to really protect children.
I have a hard time calling the man a pedophile because the young page was 16 years old...some states (if not most) allow sexual conduct between supposed adults and 16 and up.

Having said that:

As a Congressman the man could not be more stupid.

As a man he could not be more pathetic.

As a human being he could not be more tragic.

Let's be clear, nothing the man did was illegal. As in all honesty this case would not be as sensational had he not been a Republican Congressman in the heat of election season. All the worse some GOP leaders may have known about his activity. The truth is if it had been a 16 year old female page, lord knows pedophile probably wouldn't have been a term used. But because of the homosexual undertones of the whole situation...thw word wants to be thrown out there.

The man is a sad, tragic figure. I hope he gets some help real soon. But for God's sake let's not vilify him for political purposes only. Everyone had such sympathy for the corrupt Jim McGreevy (unwarranted, mind you); I hope Foley get's help.