As long as the Radical Right has a chokehold on the party, it'll never happen. The GOP first needs to bid farewell to the fundamentalist "Christians" (whose behavior, by the way, is anything BUT Christian!) who gained control of the Republicans during the Reagan years and made it damn clear that "Jeezus hates fags."
Until then, they can start expecting to lose more and more elections. They'll probably still steal them anyway...they're quite good at it, actually...but the people will know the truth.
I plan on giggling a lot over the next few years as I watch the fun from the other side of the ideological tracks.
Until then, they can start expecting to lose more and more elections. They'll probably still steal them anyway...they're quite good at it, actually...but the people will know the truth.
I plan on giggling a lot over the next few years as I watch the fun from the other side of the ideological tracks.