I understand the fantasy, but keep it a fantasy unless it's someone you can really trust.
I met a guy online last summer and we chatted a few times and he invited me over to his house one Saturday night when he was having a party. He and his friends were very much into a certain party enhancer that will remain nameless but comes in a crystal form if you know what I mean. I had never done it before, but he said I could try some at the party if I was interested.
When I got there, there were about 7 or 8 guys and it wasn't long before they started partying with the enhancer. My host (the guy I knew from online) offered to let me take a hit and I did. His best friend offered me some too and I did a second hit. I felt something, but it wasn't super strong. Nobody else was really willing to share, which I understood since they paid for the stuff. By the way, I know doing that shit is bad, so please don't tell me what a fool I was.
I hung out and basically just enjoyed my little high and drank some soda and talked with the other guys while they got increasingly high. One guy I especially hit it off with was named "Bill" and he seemed a lot more friendly than the other guys, nothing sexual, just hit it off as friends. After about an hour of this, one of the guys came up to me and offered me another hit, which I did. Then another guy offered me some. I figured all the smoking was loosening them up and they were more willing to share. Suddenly it seemed like everyone was offering me some and giving me tips to get a better high. When I tried to pace myself, they told me I was fine and pressured me to try more. At one point a guy practically stuck a pipe in my mouth.
I was flying pretty high and feeling pretty good. At one point I had to take a piss though, and headed upstairs to where the bathroom was. When I came out, Bill was standing there waiting and asked me if I was OK. I told him I thought so. Then he looked around to make sure nobody else was around and told me that the guys were getting me high on purpose to take advantage of me. I looked at him like I was skeptical and he told me that some of guys had been talking about me in the kitchen. They thought I was hot and thought it wouldn't be hard to get a newbie like me so horny and messed up that they could take turns with me. He said that the word went out to everyone at the party about 11 o'clock that they should get me high. I realized that was exactly the time everyone started pushing stuff on me. Bill said he thought I was a cool guy and wanted to warn me, and then he headed into the bathroom and closed the door.
I headed back downstairs and pretty much as soon as I stepped into the living room, one of the guys said they were going to do a few hits and wanted to know if I wanted to try some more. I smiled and said that I wanted to get something to drink, but I would be back in a minute. I went into the kitchen, which was empty and slipped out the back door and drove home.
I'm not sure what would have happened if that guy hadn't warned me. My host sent me an e-mail the next day wondering where I went and I just said that I felt funny and decided to head home. That was the last time I had contact with him.