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getting snippy glares from other gays

  • Thread starter Thread starter 1st love ron
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1st love ron

Just wondering if anybody else gets glared at from other gays. Sometimes a gay guy out in public (walking down the street, in a store, etc.) will give me dirty looks. I'm minding my own business, not cruising him or anything like that. Not sure what's going on. If I were a handsome hunk then I could see a small-minded person hating me for that, but it's definitely not that. Maybe they are being stereotypical bitchy queens. I don't think it's because they are in denial, because I know of at least 2 openly gay guys that I see once or twice a year (work related) and I get the same treatment. Could it be some kind of gay signal that I don't know about (lol...)? Seriously though, WTF?
Do you have something on your face? Maybe your zippers open. Who knows. Pay them no mind.
Put them on your ignore list ;) (<--- so geeky, lol)
I take a few glances, maybe you're one of those hot guys that hard to keep the
eyes off of...
Not out in public. The only time this has happened to me was when I was in a gay bar, and I had this bitch glared at me as if to say "Don't even THINK of coming over and talking to me!" That attitude is so unnecessary.

Bottom line, don't let other guys actions determine how you think about yourself.
i usually get those looks from gay men for farting in public

maybe you need a fashion makeover or something
If you hadnt started this thread i would have because i think i know what you are talking about.

For me particularly though, i dont like it when im the road and a gay guy would use his gay dar and detect you, but just because he figures you out he gives this look like "yea i know your business". Its mostly effeminate guys that do that though. Whenever they sense that another guy is gay they give the look to let you know that they know that you are gay. No verbal communication necessary, its just understood.

On a side note there is this guy. I am almost sure he is gay, infact i really think he is gay, i just get this vibe from him, He is not effeminate not ultra masculine just av. anyways we are not friends and i dont know why we arent friends, because im sure he can pick up signals that i like guys too. Even if he is not attracted to me why are we not friends, its just really wiered i cant figure him out. We talk and all but we are not friends even on a straight level.

Anyways back to the thread at hand.
On a side note there is this guy. I am almost sure he is gay, infact i really think he is gay, i just get this vibe from him, He is not effeminate not ultra masculine just av. anyways we are not friends and i dont know why we arent friends, because im sure he can pick up signals that i like guys too. Even if he is not attracted to me why are we not friends, its just really wiered i cant figure him out. We talk and all but we are not friends even on a straight level.

Um... I'm not friends with every gay man I know. That's like saying: I know this Jewish guy. I'm sure he can tell I'm Jewish, too. So why aren't we friends? It doesn't always work like that.
You say bald like it's a bad thing...

True that it is to most younger guys and perhaps that is the reason for the 'don't come near me' looks, but I wouldn't let it bother me if I were you...they all get their's soon enough and you will always end up with the last laugh.

Personally, I love it when I run into someone that treated me like dirt when they were cute and had hot bods and I run into them after they have lost their hair and gained about 50 lbs...I usually say something rude like 'put on a little since I saw you last'..or hand them a card for hair restoration :)
So a few years ago, when I was young and silly, I decided to buy this sort of pirate shirt from International Male. It was champagne satin with rather poofy sleeves and a lace-up placket. I decided to wear it to Pride with a pair of cutoffs, hightop sneakers, and an amber rhinestone necklace. I thought I was the shiznit.

But on seven separate occasions, I passed bitter queens of various ages who, immediately upon passing me so as to still be in earshot, stage-whispered to their companions some variation of "Can you believe what she's wearing?" or "I didn't know people actually bought those shirts!" The goggle-eyed stares of people who couldn't believe what I was wearing but at least had the courtesy to not say so out loud were more than I could count. I was never so humiliated in my whole life. Well, maybe I was... but not by my outfit.

Some people just have to feel superior to everyone else. It's not very nice. Unfortunately, it's a lot of fun to sneer at people and come up with witty little barbs to make fun of them in one way or another. But I always feel it's important that the person you're making fun of cannot either see nor hear you making fun of him or her. And I always try to find something positive to say about them at the same time. The negativity has to be counterbalanced somehow, or you become mired in the bitterness.
Studies have shown that poor quality, low fashion shoes will cause involuntary negative reactions in gay men. You may need to examine your choice of footwear... or risk never getting laid again.
For what-ever-reason these people are treating you un-kind with their attitude, I hope you do NOT let them cause you to be too uncomfortable and NOT e njoy yourself in their presence...

I have actually approached people who I thought were giving me the "evil-eye" and they denied doing it to me....but, I know........just like you do, when people are being snotty and turning their nose up at me!!

When Gays do it to other Gays, I think it's worse than straights doin it, don't you? I mean, if we canNOT be held with any esteem within our own crowds, then howinthehell are we to be represented within others???

I'm sorry, but I may seem like a nice, quiet, Walter Mitty; but when something does NOT seem right to me, I will sort it out and actually "ask" what's wrong!!

Maybe, if we ALL "ask", then those people who give us the "evil-eyes" will just stop!(*8*) (*8*) :kiss: :kiss:
Well, if it's a don't come and talk to me look...that helps me out, because
I would never want to talk to anybody like that in the first place. People
need to get a grip on their egos a bit...because an arrogant prick isn't
very attractive...atleast for me he isn't.
If it's just someone shooting me an eye, who cares. They can walk up
and say something if they have a problem. I'm not a tiny build guy,
so be my guest.
I get that by certain guys at clubs. I don't know. Not to sound conceited, but I get a lot of attention from guys because of how I look. I guess they think I'm after their men or something. The funny thing is the guy giving me the dirty looks is usually the better looking one. If I wanted either of them it'd be the ones giving me the shitty glares. lol
I have a friend in his 20s who's very good looking and I noticed he was giving that look to gay men sometimes. Right after he did it, once on the street, I asked him why. "He was leering at me! They do that all the time in this neighborhood just cuz I'm good looking."

I told him what a jackass I thought he was being. Reminded him it's nice to be good looking and it's nice that people notice and appreciate it -- it should feel good. It's especially annoying because he loves that he's good looking and uses it all the time. Giving a snippy glare, just because he doesn't want them for anything, to guys who appreciate his good looks seems to me a particularly ungenerous response.

But I believe what we put out comes back to us. And underneath it all, despite his beauty and many opportunities available to him, he is not a happy man. Remember that the next time a guy gives you a snippy look -- he's probably pretty unhappy.