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Have you heard, Taliban militants behead man


JUB Addict
May 28, 2007
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Just wondering if you knew? If a Taliban militant had been roughly interrogated I bet you would have known.

I'm sure that after the Messiah sits down and "talks" to them, they won't ever do it again.
It's appauling, as always, when these kuckle-dragging fanatics kill someone in this manner, but how the fuck is it fair to cheapen this poor guys death, buy using to make some half-arsed, partisan political statement?
I'd known this would happen when the US decided to focus on Iraq when Afghanistan still had Al-Qaida and Taliban remnants in the mountains back in 2003.

Are you seriously saying that it is the US fault that this man was beheaded???


On second though, maybe it was Obama's fault.
The US.... oh sorry, Bush Administration and top military officials, focusing on Iraq in 2003 leading to a chain of events that led to the resurgence of the Taliban and extremist Islam on both sides of the borders that led to the man's death?

I blame the beheading on the people who beheaded the man and no one else.

Not their mother. Not their religion. Not their father. Not their pets. Not their food. Not their vaccinations. Not Andorra and their foreign policy. Not Chile and their foreign policy.

I blame the Taliban.
Just wondering if you knew? If a Taliban militant had been roughly interrogated I bet you would have known.

Well, let's see. You learned about it from Voice of America, and I learned about it from NPR this afternoon. I don't think you can find any more "mainstream" media than that.
It's appauling, as always, when these kuckle-dragging fanatics kill someone in this manner, but how the fuck is it fair to cheapen this poor guys death, buy using to make some half-arsed, partisan political statement?

*standing ovation*

*thunderous applause*

*throws draws on-stage*

It's the holy grail of political arguments if you can find a sensational murder to hammer home your points. I think it shows an extreme lack of character to take someone's death and turn it into "Why didn't Obama save him" "Why didn't Obama just sew his had back on, is he incompetent?"
Because yes, it probably would help the cause if we stooped to the level of torturing and killing our way to victory in the war on terror, but what seperates us from the terrorists is that fact that we are unwilling to do shit like that. Yes, that might mean more Americans and others will die, but it is a much bigger victory to know that we did not have to act like terrorists just to save a few more lives.

But if we were to do that, what then creates the contrast between the terrorists and ourselves if we are willing to do the same tactics.
They don't cover this story, unfortunately, because no American was involved. But, I did hear it from CNN. And, lets face it, the three networks have a half hour of time for news.
Yes, but let's try and refocus on how the main media outlets like NBC, CBS, Fox & ABC and the like didn't cover this story.

It's common for news sources to give up on repeat angles. The "Oh my God look at this murderous Muslim beasts!" headlines have gotten old at this point, the shock value is gone. Plus the country is riding high on the euphoria of Obama's inauguration, why disturb the balance? So we can know Muslims beheaded a journalist? We already know that kinda thing is goin' on. And he wasn't even an American journalist.

My cousin was beheaded last year and nobody cared that it wasn't all over the news. Then again, she was beheaded by an non-Muslim American so I understand the "OhmyGod" factor wasn't as high as if it had been a team of men in robe garments and turbans.
The media bigwigs would like to slant the news as to say those militant muslims aren't really as bad as you were told.

That's not a slant, it's the truth. Muslims AREN'T really as bad as we've been told. Between 2001 and now ask Americans what they fear most and I guarantee many will say terrorists attacks, but they're statistically FAR more likely to be decapitated by their American neighbors than a Muslim extremists.

But will go out of their way to demonize an US soldier caught in a no win gunfire situation.

It goes both ways. Kailee Anthony's mom was CLEARLY the murderer but for months, lie after lie, she was referred to as "a person of interest." They didn't call her a suspect until they found the body. I was convinced they wouldn't officiate her as a suspect her unless they found a vid of her holding an ID in one hand and burying her daughter with the other while reciting her name, birthdate, and social security number for the camera. And even then she'd just be considered "a person of interest.

American media certainly shows favoritism our own sometimes. Remember the Oklahoma City bombings? Who did they blame at first? Arabs. Couldn't be us peaceful, non-violent Americans now could it?
psychological research has shown that torture does not increase the collection of reliable information, just information (could be true or not)

in other news, i find it slightly ironic that u are using ur current signature, considering that the Rev. Joseph Lowery is against torture and for immigration reform
My statement is perfectly clear. Current research has shown that torture or harsh interrogation tactics do NOT increase the collection of reliable (meaning TRUE) information. Instead, it just increases the likelihood the subject will talk (be it with true OR false information).

I have yet to see any evidence to suggest the contrary. Besides the fact that "we haven't had another attack since 9/11"
Just like your first reply. How the media reports is the theme.

That's an easy one, they don't "report." American media is one giant collection of opinion pieces. Journalists are more concerned with sensationalism, being the first to report something, being entertaining, and picking (and promoting) a side. Calling what they do "reporting" is a bit of a stretch.

Whenever I read a news article online, I spend a few minutes googling to find the same story on different news sources so I can get different perspectives. Most articles leave out facts or report incorrect facts and there's always a slant or bias. You don't get the whole story reading just one article.
My statement is perfectly clear. Current research has shown that torture or harsh interrogation tactics do NOT increase the collection of reliable (meaning TRUE) information. Instead, it just increases the likelihood the subject will talk (be it with true OR false information).

I have yet to see any evidence to suggest the contrary. Besides the fact that "we haven't had another attack since 9/11"

Current research by whom? Under what conditions? With what objective?
That's an easy one, they don't "report." American media is one giant collection of opinion pieces. Journalists are more concerned with sensationalism, being the first to report something, being entertaining, and picking (and promoting) a side. Calling what they do "reporting" is a bit of a stretch.


That's sad, but true. The really sad thing is how many people see those talking heads on their tv screen and accept that they hear as gospel. Kind of scary.
That's sad, but true. The really sad thing is how many people see those talking heads on their tv screen and accept that they hear as gospel. Kind of scary.

I try to stay hopeful, I consider it a shift, a time-period problem just like prohibition, recessions, or anything else that's bad but not necessarily permanent.

If Obama keeps his promise of open government, that coupled with America's desire to see Bush behind bars could create an atmosphere in America where we want the news to inform us as opposed to entertain or affirm.

Me and all of my friends (even ones who side with mainstream media) are pretty much tired of the bipartisanship and subjectivity.

The video was released over the weekend. If it was a video of CIA waterboarding a Taliban militant you think you would had to have waited till this afternoon to hear about it and on NPR? BTW- NPR & VOA aren't mainstream for most people.

Also, have you seen the video?

I'll grant that most people don't look to VOA or NPR.

Now at the risk of going off-topic, I'll go ahead and answer your second question. No, I really try to avoid watching those videos of beheadings. Despite my being a gore-hound, videos of living people being killed really disturb me in a really bad way. I watched the video of Hussein being hanged, and I watched the first beheading video several years ago. I'm just not going to look at any more of them. I hope you don't consider that my being a wimp, but I'm just not going to watch them.
I haven't seen any but my guess is that beheading someone is not the best way to get them to continue talking.

It's not a good way to get an ongoing news story, either: the victim's head is on the floor, and what more can you say?

Maybe the major media didn't report it partly because it wasn't a story they could drag out like a soap opera.