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Help...Columbia, SC


Sex God
Apr 2, 2004
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I'll be moving to Columbia, SC in a couple months (YAY! Only a few more weeks to be back with my baby!!) and wanted to know if there were any good clubs to go to there or around there. We visited there once and didn't find any, but I find that hard to believe with USC there.
I don't think I'd be offending my fellow Columbians if I said that the club scene, much less the gay club scene, in Columbia is dreary, all together. I hang out at Art Bar and it's pretty much a dive. It's small, it's packed, and it's far from exclusively gay--which I don't mind, BTW. Next door there's Club Fusion, which is a little louder, more expensive (usually a $5 cover, as opposed to none), and a bit scary. There's PT's Cabaret near five points, which does drag. I used to go on the lesbian nights to shoot pool in peace, LOL. Then there's 1109 a couple of blocks south of AB and Fusion, but if you think that those two are scary, this place is even more so. We joke that it only has one light bulb, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. All but Art Bar charge $5 or more cover on Fridays and I think AB charges $5 on Saturdays because they have a band play.

Looks like you're taking my place. I flying the coop, so to speak, by the end of October.
Prolly not much fun there this weekend since Auburn rolled through town Thursday night & beat the Gamecocks.....mmmmm.gamecock.......

The bitterness in that stadium after that game was so thick you could cut it with a knife!

War DAMN Eagle!
<shudders> you have my sympathy! the only worse places to live in this general area would be augusta, florence or fayettenam

but you would think having lower carolina in town would bring some gay presence to the area

plan on road trips to charleston or charlotte
I don't think I'd be offending my fellow Columbians if I said that the club scene, much less the gay club scene, in Columbia is dreary, all together.

I agree. The overall population and atmosphere of SC is not too kind to homosexuals. It is definitely not as diverse as let's say....SanFranscisco or Orlando. I've found the closer you get to mountains or away from the ocean, the more the homosexual population dwindles. Coincidence? Probably. Or maybe it just seems that way to me in my overflowing noggin. I travel to SC quite often and personally, it is probably one of the least enjoyable areas I've ever been to. :(
Okay...sounds like Columbia is not the place for the gay scene. That really doesn't bother me too much as me and my baby don't do much clubbin anyway. Just once in maybe we'll just wait until we visit somewhere else. As for Fayettenam (Fayetteville for everyone else) goes, well, I lived there for 2 1/2 wasn't all bad. The most important thing to me right now is that I'll be back with my baby in just 6 more weeks!!! Thanks for all the advice, though! ;) :D (!)
I was just talking to some guy I met in a gay bar in Wilmington, NC last weekend about Charlotte. He'd lived there before and was so disappointed wit the place he ended up moving to Wilmington (of all places). Charlotte seems like quite the odd city in a lot of ways--lots of gays working for the banks but then it's also home to Billy Graham and NASCAR. At least it seems to have the critical mass to actually sustain a scene beyond just a couple of bars though.
^^Did you go to Ibiza in Wilmington? Been there a few times myself..:D
Yup, Ibiza is where I went. It was really dead when I got there around 11pm on a Saturday, but it filled up pretty good by the end of the night. Surprisingly fun place actually.