I don't think I'd be offending my fellow Columbians if I said that the club scene, much less the gay club scene, in Columbia is dreary, all together. I hang out at Art Bar and it's pretty much a dive. It's small, it's packed, and it's far from exclusively gay--which I don't mind, BTW. Next door there's Club Fusion, which is a little louder, more expensive (usually a $5 cover, as opposed to none), and a bit scary. There's PT's Cabaret near five points, which does drag. I used to go on the lesbian nights to shoot pool in peace, LOL. Then there's 1109 a couple of blocks south of AB and Fusion, but if you think that those two are scary, this place is even more so. We joke that it only has one light bulb, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. All but Art Bar charge $5 or more cover on Fridays and I think AB charges $5 on Saturdays because they have a band play.
Looks like you're taking my place. I flying the coop, so to speak, by the end of October.