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HIV Question

Aug 18, 2006
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I fooled around with a guy last week. We didnt have anal sex but we performed oral sex on each other.

He came on my dick and some got on the head of my dick, after awhile he went to wipe his cum off my dick and I'm afraid some of it got near my urethra.

What is the risk for HIV transmission. His last HIV test was in December and he said he tested negative. I'm nervous because I know he barebacks a lot and he had sex with his HIV positive boyfriend for 5 years. He said he was tested every month and came up negative.

To make matters worst, I found out by googling his email address that he prostitutes himself.

What should I do? I've been told I'm at no risk for HIV because the virus dies when it hits air, however I'm freaking out. I also know that I have to wait 3 months to get tested.

Please help.
Based on what I've read, I would say your risk of HIV infection is relatively minimal--but given his sexual history, and if it makes you feel better, be tested once your're outside the three month window period, and be more selective in choosing partners going foward.
BabiGayPimp hit all the right notes. HIV is actually not easily contracted outside of actual intercourse or some transaction involving blood. But if you were going to be so paranoid afterwards, why have sex with a guy you know has had unprotected sex?
I think you're way over reacting. Unless you had an open cut on your dick the risk is next to nothing. Calm down. Continue to be very careful next time.

Believe me, in my day I've done way more than what you described with people who I later found out were positive and I'm still negative today.
I didn't know he liked unprotected sex until he tried to have unprotected sex with me and I refused.

I asked his HIV status and when he was tested last before we hooked up. I should have asked more about his history before hooking up and not after wards.
My last partner was HIV+. We sucked each other like mad men. Came on each other. Everything but bare backing. I remain HIV- to this day.

But it's good you're concerned. So many young people today think they are immune or something believing it won't happen to them.
Thank you for the responses. I'm gathering that there's no risk of me being infected?
Thank you for the responses. I'm gathering that there's no risk of me being infected?

With HIV? No. The problem here is that people act like that's the only disease you can contract. Unless you used a condom (and even if you did) there are other diseases you can contract from oral sex. Get tested periodically, be more selective. If you're going to research someone, do it BEFORE you mess around, that could spare you some trouble.
For HIV to enter the penis, the penis must come in contact with an HIV-infected bodily fluid (such as blood,vaginal secretions or semen) and that fluid must somehow get into the body. The urethra, which is a mucous membrane, is one route for HIV to enter the body. Remember that mucous membranes (e.g., the lining of anus and vagina in particular) are efficient points of entry for HIV. A scratch or sore on the penis (especially one caused by a sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis) is yet another point of entry for HIV.

By comparison, the surface area of exposed mucous membrane in the vagina or anus is much greater than that in the urethra or that from a small sore on a penis. This is one possible explanation for the observation that the receptive partner in anal or vaginal sex is more likely to acquire HIV from an HIV-infected insertive partner than the other way around.
b0dyfan24 said:
I've been told I'm at no risk for HIV

There's aren't "no risk" behaviors when it comes to sex. What you did can be described as low risk but it will be 6 months before you can completely breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to HIV. But as others pointed out, HIV isn't the only thing that you have to worry about.

There are two behavioral changes that a person can make to avoid STDs:

  1. Practice safer sex.
  2. Choose your partners wisely.

Your problem is the second one. You didn't choose very wisely in this case.
With HIV? No. The problem here is that people act like that's the only disease you can contract. Unless you used a condom (and even if you did) there are other diseases you can contract from oral sex. Get tested periodically, be more selective. If you're going to research someone, do it BEFORE you mess around, that could spare you some trouble.

Seconded. I got the clap from a guy who blew me. He didn't cum on me, I didn't fuck him bare, he just gave me a blow job. Went to the doctor with it, felt embarrassed but explained it nonetheless, turns out that any mucous membrane can be infected with the clap including your throat. Just my luck... Luckily it's curable with one single dose of antibiotics but this experienced changed my perspective on casual sex.

Rule #1: choose your partners carefully
Rule #2: don't assume they're clean