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How do you rub it on someone's face that you're gay?


Sex God
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Just smile, thank them and say sorry no thanks - not interested. They hear that often enough they'll get the message and leave you alone.
Its a mindset. I don't even notice woman. I work in a mall and all I hear all day long from the other guys is "Did you see her"? or "I suddenly have a craving for milk". Well I don't even notice the woman that walk by. I'm GAY! Why do I care what woman look like? I'm strictly dickly!
Part of the reason they flirt with you is because you're gay. They want what they can't have. It's like gay men wanting straight guys.
The reason is that it's fun to flirt and with gay guys there aren't any consequences because they won't have to put out.
Invest in some rainbow jewelry and one of those t-shirts that says "I can't even think straight".
Well I say sit back and enjoy it. Just ignore it. There's nothing you can do about it. there's other things that are more important to worry about then a bunch of girls hitting on you! :)
If that's you in your avatar I don't think they'd stop even if they knew you were gay! ;)
you should probably be direct with them and say "I'm gay...leave me alone."

well, maybe not that rude, but get that point across.

and if that picture in your gallery is u then i really don't blame them for flirtin with you! damn! lol
Oh... I know Ryan Carnes but the pic wasn't big enough to tell until you pointed it out. :( Oh well, I'm sure he's still really cute! :D
I dont like girls flirting with me either it makes me uncomfortable. All up in my koolaid and dont know my flavor.
I dont like girls flirting with me either it makes me uncomfortable. All up in my koolaid and dont know my flavor.

Rofl, hilarious comment! And yeah, it's veeery awkward for me when girls hit on me.. I'm like "Uhhh... sorry, I like *him* (they're like wtf?) not you". Lol, then hilarity ensues when what I said really dawns on them.
Wait for them to say something truly dumb or tasteless and then reply, "Oh do most straight people say that?"
Flirting is really a compliment. Who flirts with trolls? I accept compliments because sometimes they're few & far between.
Why rub it in somebody's face that you're gay? Take the flirting as a compliment. It doesn't mean you have to respond to it, nor is it any of their business if you're gay or straight. I have women flirt with me occasionally. It's flattering, but I don't encourage it. There is no need to be rude or direct unless they just don't take no for an answer.