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How many fundies are there out there?


JUB Addict
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
I know the majority of Americans claim to believe in God but I was wondering, does anyone know how many full-on batshit crazy fundamentalists there are over there?

The ones who think Obama is actually the Anti-Christ and that the Rapture is really going to happen any day now. The 5,000 year old-Earth, Christ-on-a-dinosaur, no-sex-before-marriage-and-then-only-with-the-lights-off-and-at-least-six-layers-of-clothes-on believing, homeschooling-bookburners.

Just wondering. Is a few tens of thousands of over-exposed loudmouths or are there millions of them?

judging from the number of people who voted for McCain there are millions of them out there. i wonder if we will ever be free of them.:grrr:

seeing as you are from Manchester, have you seen tommyharley around? he has been missing. just a side note.

You really don't have an accurate view of this group. They are by no means monolithic and many have moved away from politics. So the dividing line is certainly not who they voted for. Indeed, there are a good many fundamentalists who are of color so the effort to define them as racist is also inaccurate. I think its also necessary to divide them by age because the younger group, as in generally the case across the entire population, is more liberal.

That said, there are millions of fundamentalists in America.
you guys read too much into it. it's just a bunch of crazy americans being enthusiastic about a new president.