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How popular you think you are here at JUB?

How popular do you think you really are?

  • Total voters


Bicho Estranho!
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Belo Horizonte
Do you think that you are very popular among JUBers? Is it in a positive or negative way?
I have no idea, hunky.

I got a few birthday wishes last month so I sort of know I'm liked by a few JUBbers at least. :D

I like you anyway! (*8*) :kiss:
I would say I inspire strong reactions, mostly good, but more than a few bad.

I am glad that there are some i get a strong negative reaction from. usually when I take a close up look at them as people, I find I would be ashamed if they liked me.


i say this all the time cuz its worth repeating...

Jesus, Mohammed, Budha... all have yet to pass the fifty percent mark, and they are monumental people.

we are all just normal guys... why should we expect more than them?
If I'm negative for anyone, then they're probably misunderstanding me.

But of course I'm not popular at all, never have been anywhere and never will be. Unless of course I suddenly became the most proficient poster, which I hope will not happen.

I think I'm "tolerated"...but I hope that 2,000 posts later more than a few have noticed me
HoodedRat said:
A few people here seem to like me. :D

But I bet that if I was young and goodlooking, with the self-pics to prove it, I'd be a lot more popular. ;)

I've always loved your wit...I can't see that being altered one way or the other by looks! ..|
*Grabs lunch tray*
*Looking for a place to sit in the cafeteria*

Eh. I don't even think about how popular I am. There are like 95,000 JUBbers here so I figure there will always be someone who will eat their lunch with me. ;) :D
Ruby said:
I am comfortable with my "popularity"...:cool: :D

I should hope so

you are the first lady of JUB !!

Die konigen Von Jub :gogirl: :gogirl: :gogirl: :gogirl:

I cant think of anyone that has ever said anything negative about you or your posts.
I have made a few good friends here, and that's good enough for me. ..|
"Just look at that face. The face of a thinker...a warrior...a man for all seasons. Yet, he was not perfect. Perhaps his greatest flaw was that he was too selfless. He simply cared too much about his fellow man, with nary a thought to himself. A man of limitless accomplishments and unbridled modesty. I can safely say that to know him was to love him. And to love him was to know him. Those who knew him...loved him. While those who did not know him...loved him from afar--"


[Is RationalLunacy really Ira Graves?? You decide.....]
I honestly have no idea. I think I probably go mostly unnoticed though. Thats better than have negative attention though.
Still trying to figure that one out. No clue
Over the time I have been here heaps of people have wished I was permanently banned. During the last few days that rep existed I had the most. But I don't really care. If someone likes me... great, if someone doesn't they are probably a loser bitch anyway so it doesn't matter.
^I'm glad I'm not a loser bitch! ;)
Don't know. Don't care.

I know that one or two people like me.

I know that one or two hate me with a vengence.

yeah I was in the top twenty as well...

it always amused me that under that system you got to see that the outspoken members had the highest reps, not the people pleasers and pollyannas.

those people just never motivate folks to respond in any way, neither good nor bad.

palephoenix was there.... i think Inwood ... Zeremonie was usually in first place, but someone occasionally knocked her out of it for a week or so....

I think it goes to show that people by and large like honesty over "popular" by the high school definition.

p.s... thanks for the spanky miss ruby, .... you really are one of our most beloved members... its cute that you resist it.:kiss:
Brijan said:
I am a JUB god among men.

(And modest.)

But really more what Ben said.

All Hail The Mighty Brijan!!!

(ww) (ww) (ww) (ww) (ww)

As for myself? Meh. Like it means anything.