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If we were all anonymous for a day...


Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
real world noone is anonys

but no say nothin cause world publics like a think a is specials of sumthang
* wot is publics? *
* ooh maybe *
there a citzens
* ooh wot dat? *
dunno it depend on woteva in play
* ooh stop thinkin? *
& Kool &
ooh ya wake up then?
& no &

wot is paraguay wombat?
* dunno *
good reply

EC has an anonymous forum, but it's specifically for the "I'm too embarrassed to talk about this problem" people. Nice idea, and they generally respect it.

wot ya wanna say is humans no make internet 2 life
ans go make internet 1 where amazins world cultures sort out their neva endin amazin awsum Qssss wot fa eons
* not again? *
^ gravity is hurt head if dive ins swim pool empty ^
coor reaaaaaaalay?
^ yea see OW ^

ooh ice bucket fa youuuuu

^ is not world great MAN invent Universitys? ^
ooh dat a redherrins one but easy life fa ya nose
* Puff puff puff puff puffffssssss ans puffs *
% ooh puff puff puff ans puff puff %
ships till sinkin!
* OOOH puff puff puff puff *
nah no workin


- - - Updated - - -

wot ya wanna say is humans no make internet 2 life
ans go make internet 1 where amazins world cultures sort out their neva endin amazin awsum Qssss wot fa eons
* not again? *
^ gravity is hurt head if dive ins swim pool empty ^
coor reaaaaaaalay?
^ yea see OW ^

ooh ice bucket fa youuuuu

^ is not world great MAN invent Universitys? ^
ooh dat a redherrins one but easy life fa ya nose
* Puff puff puff puff puffffssssss ans puffs *
% ooh puff puff puff ans puff puff %
ships till sinkin!
* OOOH puff puff puff puff *
nah no workin

I like to think that, here on JUB, I walk the fine line of respecting everybody AND letting it all hang out - figuratively and literally. I more or less let people what I'm thinking, and shuck off my inhibitions as well as my clothes. But I still try to keep from attacking people or engaging people in obvious snip-fests.

Well, I think the downside to the forum being all anonymous is that feeling of emptiness, you never really get to know the poster.

You are right, most people behave very stiffly and appropriately in public due to the fact that we are conditioned to behave in what is perceived as an appropriate way. That's upside to having an anonymous forum, I think a lot of people would be more unbridled.

coor ya reply ma drip is a respectfulls grovels

now got type sumthang!! OOOOOH NOOOOOO

ya missin sumthang

ya wanna shorts reply or undys reply ins .00000000231 seconds
or long reply wot take round galaxy ?
worms world ova got lot stuff on MAN fa eons


thankyou your kind a reply ma post offerins ;)
Sloppy, Telstra, and refuji would be a dead give away

likely LilBit, Lefty, and joswanprince could fairly easily be guessed as well.
And chance1, benvolio in C E & P would completely betray anonymity as well.

It's unlikely I'd participate much on that anonymous day.

Shhhh...don't give Corny ideas. April Fool is only 5/8 of a year away.
Like 4chan?

I don't think I'd like it, when there are people who are regularly on the forums it makes it more like a community, which is cool
it already is, I dont know a single person on here and as far as their traits go, it might as well be a number, I dont know or care who statements or questions come from. I,m just answering to a blank page typically.
It would get boring and old pretty quickly.

If I wanted to post mundane things about my boring life, I'd use Twitter. But I don't make those posts because it's just a waste of data, no need to waste my fingers posting a statement that doesn't lead to any meaningful conversations with my Twitter followers.

I choose not to be a magnet of important discussions either because I'll need to do lots of research and editing so I don't look incompetent, and that's if my posts weren't ignored.
wot ya wanna say is humans no make internet 2 life
ans go make internet 1 where amazins world cultures sort out their neva endin amazin awsum Qssss wot fa eons
* not again? *
^ gravity is hurt head if dive ins swim pool empty ^
coor reaaaaaaalay?
^ yea see OW ^

ooh ice bucket fa youuuuu

^ is not world great MAN invent Universitys? ^
ooh dat a redherrins one but easy life fa ya nose
* Puff puff puff puff puffffssssss ans puffs *
% ooh puff puff puff ans puff puff %
ships till sinkin!
* OOOH puff puff puff puff *
nah no workin


- - - Updated - - -

wot ya wanna say is humans no make internet 2 life
ans go make internet 1 where amazins world cultures sort out their neva endin amazin awsum Qssss wot fa eons
* not again? *
^ gravity is hurt head if dive ins swim pool empty ^
coor reaaaaaaalay?
^ yea see OW ^

ooh ice bucket fa youuuuu

^ is not world great MAN invent Universitys? ^
ooh dat a redherrins one but easy life fa ya nose
* Puff puff puff puff puffffssssss ans puffs *
% ooh puff puff puff ans puff puff %
ships till sinkin!
* OOOH puff puff puff puff *
nah no workin


Seriously??? EVERYONE would know who THIS is! :lol:
I really hope Corny reads this and prepare this as his naughty idea for April Fools :lol:

Seriously, in another forum I frequent, the mods decided to pull this trick for April Fools (about 4-5 years ago, I don't really remember). All members were substituted with the weird name "Anonymous Buffoon" and their avatars were 'hidden'. It went around three days and man the forum burnt under cat shit, molotov bombs, and highly inappropriate (occasionally NSFW) explosive replies, either verbally, graphically, or symbolically.

After the stealth status were gone, we knew who stirred the flames :lol:

In JUB, I'd predict CE&P, religion threads, and (if it were totally out of control) HT would sink under the war fireholes :p
Oooh - do it in the show yourself off section.
Anonymous wangs galore.