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If you could.....

Only one?

I would change my teeth (front two at least) they have enamel issues. I think a perfect smile is one of the most attractive things.
I'd harden my heart a little bit. I'm very sensitive and get my feelings hurt too easily. And it sucks because I'll dwell on stuff for days. And actually stay in a depression over it.

Which Im attempting to change at the moment..
I change my heart to, But for a opposite reason, I'm not sensitive enough :(

Maybe somewhere in between would be good. I mean, I don't want to stop FEELING. But I hate that I take everything so blasted personal and dwell on shit for days on end and let it bother me like it does. It's just so stupid. The situation doesn't matter. Virtual time, real time, I still consider myself to be communicating with human beings. Which is why I try to take everyone's feelings into consideration before spouting off, but sometimes I'm sure I've hurt people's feelings as well, even if I don't mean to.

I wish I could be more like a friend of mine. If somebody says something to piss him off, he's like, "Yeah, well f**k you too."

And if you piss him off TOO much, he'll hit your ass. This is why I'm thankful he's my friend, lol.
I can't say just one so here's the 2 I'd choose:

1. I'd want to have a better looking face
2. I'd want to be 6' 2" tall
ummm body hair.. i'd totally wanna change it.. no back hair... less hairy down there.... u know.. so i dun have to go through so much trouble trimming and shaving and waxing....
i'd like to be four inches shorter, and not have so much trouble gaining weight and muscle.

other than physically, i'd like to think before i speak more often
Just a bit more of a butt. My partner says I have a really good one, but I have always wanted it to be a bit more of a bubble one, other than that I'm damn near perfect. :-)

Nametaken - honey, you are really very fine just the way you are. Definitely a hot dude.
I wish my tolerance for other people was higher. Much much much higher. I feel I may even develop into a sociopathic killer in the future if it doesn't.
Decisions, decisions...

Do I pick Alcoholism, Bi-polar, Hearing loss, Overweight, etc...
I know! :idea:

I'd Be Filthy Rich!
i would like to be more confident

Before I saw your post, I was going to say self-esteem. I guess they go hand in hand. So many other things would improve if I had a better opinion of myself.
Before I saw your post, I was going to say self-esteem. I guess they go hand in hand. So many other things would improve if I had a better opinion of myself.

yeah, i totally agree! :wave:'s not that i have zero levels, in fact, i've had more confidence now than i've 3 years ago. however, i could use another huge burst ..|
removed/it was a senseless response/eM.:(
I used to be a lot more caring and affectionate, and maybe it would be nice to have some of that back again.