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I'm not sure if this will bring sexy back or send it away forever..

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People always ask me if the guys from the Fratpad are gay. I insist that some of them are totally straight.. some of them are not.

See if you can guess who is who.

The first guy could be gay or straight....but I'll say GAY.

The guy in the middle had no worries and was having fun. So..GAY

I think the last guy in the train seemed a little reluctant. He was keeping his distance and not letting his crotch rub the guy in front. So he is STRAIGHT.

(!) :gogirl: (!) :gogirl: (!)
LOL. I'd say one of the front two. It's difficult for me to tell given the horrid dancing display. =]
Just curious, you get a commission if people sign up after clicking on your sig? Not making a judgement or anything seriously. Just curious.
Trick question.. none of them.

Miguel in the back calls himself "Straightish" which means he has sex with both men and women. (yes, I know that means he's bi, but if he wants to call himself "straightish".. who am I to judge?)

Spencer in the middle is straight but has recently discovered his inner bottom... likes to play with his ass, but only likes women to do it.

And Sam in the front LOVES to show off and ham it up on camera, but is also straight...
So Miguel is queer, thought so :twisted:

(Queer, bi, straightish, and my personal favorite heteroflexible its all the same ;) )
Well Jasun, you already know I'm one of the ones that asked. And I figured it out just like you told me to do by "watching". And no the sexy is not going away even with the 'straight' ones!
I like hot straight guys that can be free and let sexuality be what it is. After all who are we to put a label on someone's sexuality...Its all irrelivent and shouldn't care as long as they let us watch...;) ..|
OK... I can't really understand this.. but this is the kind of juvenile fun they get into at 2AM.

Straight men don't dance together like that, but i dont' think gay men do things like this.
