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is it safe to say that in some shape or form, most people in well off countries are addicted to some form of technology

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like a cell phone, computer, video game, internet, mp3 device or something? i think it's crazy whenever i go to the club or a social gathering and seeing people actually messing around with their cell phones. it always used to make me go wtf when my brother, my homeboys and me used to go to the club where we would stand on the wall, watching all the other people dancing around, couples or random strangers and then seeing all the people on the side whipping out their cell phones texting somebody or checking on the internet. i found it funny when they were talking about how much women they would be dancing with, talking to and etc. :confused:

has anybody tried not to use their cell phone, computer, hop on the internet, video game or mp3 device for some days or more? did you feel weird in doing so? it wouldn't surprise me if people weren't experiencing some form of withdrawl symptoms such as anxiety.
To answer your title: Yes. It follows Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Start from the bottom up.

Once you have achieved one layer, you move on the the next layer up.
To answer your title: Yes. It follows Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Start from the bottom up.

Once you have achieved one layer, you move on the the next layer up.

what does this have to do with being on your cell phone to the point where you're texting while you're driving (i'm seeing this a lot more often), being on facebook or twitter all the time, being on the internet 24/7, playing world of warcraft all the time, not being able to go outside the house with your itouch or ipod and etc? you have people that actually will put their lives in danger or push their needs on the side just to spend time with a piece of technology. what you posted has nothing to do with the thread.
Addicted? I don't think so. Overly-reliant? Absolutely.
Addicted? I don't think so. Overly-reliant? Absolutely.

the first step towards recovery is admitting that you have a problem. (*8*)

I think people take it too far with constantly playing around with their phones. It's so annoying. How are you even experiencing life anymore if you always have your earbuds on playing music and texting 24/7. Ugh. It's even more intense with teenagers.

I especially don't understand people who text all throughout a film or a show. Like, how is that even possible that you can concentrate while doing that? Maybe I just can't multitask to that level but it makes no sense. I actually tell people to stop doing that around me. It ruins my concentration.
Also, texting & answering phone calls while trying to hold a serious conversation with someone is totally rude. Manners please.

Btw, yes I do go through withdrawal if I don't have access to internet/cellphone/other gadgets. But I think I can cope with it okay, I don't think I'm "addicted" on that level. I actually like to take breaks from it all. It's nice to just turn everything off at times.

EXACTLY, it's a shame. you have people that don't know when to just put their phones down and pay attention to whatever they have to do whether it's enjoying themselves or something important. sometimes, i wonder if some people ever remember the feeling of being independent or free away from someone or something. you have people basically running to the store trying to buy the latest cell phone which has the same features as the old one waiting to pay out their whole bank account. #-o it's about to get to the point where people are about to go "remember when people used the phone to only talk?" you got all this excess technology on the phone where people are literally living their lives around a phone.

one of the most crazy things i've ever seen recently besides some woman almost sliding down the hill while she was texting somebody yesterday night at the gym was this guy listening to his ipod with the earbuds all in his ear while driving. :confused: my thing is with driving, you gotta focus. anytime where you're focusing on something else, you are putting yourself and the lives of others in danger. now, if i had to beep or anybody else had to beep this kid, there's no way he would have heard anything around him. all these technologies are a pleasure but it's really not that serious.

i do admit that i would have the same withdrawal too. it's NO fun without the internet but i do think it's a bit refreshing to not have to worry about the web or whatever for awhile. i need to go on a vacation again. it's been some years.
is it safe to say that in some shape or form, most people? in well off countries are addicted to some form of technology
I think many people even in less well-to-do countries are addicted to some form of technology. RU mentioned things such as mp3's, computers, cell phones (and, by extention, smart phones), etc., but where does "technology" actually BEGIN? Does it have to be as fancy as a computer, to be considered technology? I would argue that TV and RADIO, as well as cars or railroads, would also fit into "technology" and that would draw in many people even from lesser-modernized parts of the world.
what does this have to do with being on your cell phone to the point where you're texting while you're driving (i'm seeing this a lot more often), being on facebook or twitter all the time, being on the internet 24/7, playing world of warcraft all the time, not being able to go outside the house with your itouch or ipod and etc? you have people that actually will put their lives in danger or push their needs on the side just to spend time with a piece of technology. what you posted has nothing to do with the thread.

Maslow's laws have everything to do with why the people you see with your eyes are attached to their smart phones. So does the lack of courage our society builds into people these days. But I don't have time to explain. Take a psychology class or a management class or at a minimum read a book on men's sexuality.

The reason why so many take the risk of their life to send a text is due to a lack of any priority. Of course people still drink and drive or get high and drive. Your guess on that one is as good as mine.

The technology that I'm addicted to enriches my life. It allows me to explore my creativity in new and interesting ways, and also allows me to make money. In my case it's a healthy addiction.

I feel the same way. I do use the convenient tools that are at my beck and call to make life easier. Yet i also take time each year to do life without technology. It is the only way to actually have a vacation in my humble opinion.
I wonder how many people can effectively use a map with a compass or could feed themselves or stay warm if society went sideways.
A friend of mine once told me that in the Book "1984" people had TV's they COULDN'T turn off.
Now we have TV's we REFUSE to turn off.

A simplistic way of putting it, but true.

I love the internet. It's an addiction of mine. Besides cruising a few forums, there is just so much information out there..... right at my finger tips! It's just AMAZING!!!

But I did draw the line with games and phones. I use only a pre-paid in case I have an emergency on the road. There is literally nothing in my life that's so important that I have to be plugged in 24/7.

But EVERYTHING around our daily lives is "technology". You essentially cannot get away from it. I think "Cyber Technology" is a better term for tech we become truly addicted to.
I have to admit I am a total Tv junkie. I basically don't want to leave the house or shut the TV when I am in my hometown. When my college semester begins, I would be glued to my computer/ internet instead. I don't really text on my phone unless I really have to. I also don't like it when my friends plays with their phones when I am having dinner/lunch with them.