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jockstrap,pubic hair,and gym class


On the Prowl
Jun 5, 2005
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This question is geared more towards baby boomers and beyond but anyone can answer.

Coming from the baby boom generation back when I had gym class you were required to wear a jock in in class and shower.I played baseball all throughout highschool. Back then I can't remember a single guy who trimmed his bush.For the most part everyone had an overgrown forest. On my baseball team there were about 8 or 9 guys would had massive bush.Most guy would walk around in there jocks after practice and while the cup may have kept the goods hidden and protected there was an overflow of pubic hair coming out the sides,epeciall these guys. I have seen this with guys who wear regular jock sometimes put I saw it more when guys wore cups.Anyone else ever notice?
vamagnifique said:
very common; i dont think anyone trimmed in the 60's/70's:rainfro:

I did once and walked around for two weeks scratching myself like I had a bad case of the crabs!
Whats a baby boomer?(1900s) shouldnt you be like 100 by now?......Why did you haved to wear jocks in the shower?
Caution said:
Whats a baby boomer?(1900s) shouldnt you be like 100 by now?......Why did you haved to wear jocks in the shower?

I'd like to throw "Caution" to the wind, lol.
Caution said:
Whats a baby boomer?(1900s) shouldnt you be like 100 by now?......Why did you haved to wear jocks in the shower?

lol? baby boomers were born post-WWII. so thats like 1946-1960.

so they would be in their 50's mostly.
I don't think the average guy, whatever that means, trims much at all. That's just my opinion, of course, but I think we get used to looking at models and porn stars and their severely trimmed or shaved pubes and think that's the norm. In real life - doubtful. I can't imagine the average teenager taking the time to trim his bush - heck, why should he? I remember being that age and wanting to show off as much hair as possible. Yes, my pubes bushed out around my jock like a lot of the other guys.
harristate said:
I don't think the average guy, whatever that means, trims much at all. That's just my opinion, of course, but I think we get used to looking at models and porn stars and their severely trimmed or shaved pubes and think that's the norm. In real life - doubtful. I can't imagine the average teenager taking the time to trim his bush - heck, why should he? I remember being that age and wanting to show off as much hair as possible. Yes, my pubes bushed out around my jock like a lot of the other guys.
Well these days. Teens are very sexual active. When they are recieving orl sex or giving it they dont want a butt load of hair in their mouth thats why they/me trim. Im 18 and i've been trimming it since i was 13. Most of my friends do it and i know girls who made they bfs do it too.
As baby bommer myself I remember days in the locker room getting dressed for pe class, jockstraps were required for pe class yes remember those jock inspections! No one I remember trimmed there pubes back in those days. It was honor to show off your bush.
The first time I saw a pubic bush on a guy in the school locker room, I fell in love, really. It was my buddy Vince, whom I'd only seen in his swim trunks (it was too weird to be naked around each other when we were young) previously. We were both twelve. It would be a few more years before I got to bury my nose in it, but I did, and it was pure heaven for me!

I love a lush, thick bush because it's the way it's supposed to be! :D (IMOHO)
Aside from its visual splendor, it has a purpose. And it adds to the muskiness of the genital area. I just love brushing my face against lush pubic hair.;)
Yeah, my first sexual memory is of seeing an adult man in a public shower with dark pubes. That was the thing that seemed different about kids and men to me - they had pubes and we didn't. I expected their dicks to be bigger since everything else about them was. But the pubic hair, oooh, that was mysterious and special I wanted to see it again. It really turned me on.

So when I started growing hair I was pretty happy. And when my classmates started growing it and I saw them in the showers, my world was really coming together!

Its hard now for me to enjoy a dick without some sort of hair down there.
Caution, don't you watch the tv?? Being in the first baby boomer class, I will say that no one in gym or on sports teams trimmed their pubes. We were required to wear jock straps or get a demerit for the day0..and oh yes, we had to drop our shorts for the coach. Man, I wish I could have been a coach. And we were required to take communal showers, but not with a strap on.
Jockstraps and pubic hair are hot. I hate when a guy shaves all his pubes off. It makes them look like a little boy.
as i remember, it was a mark of distinction back then...a sign you were becoming an adult male. i also remember my dad catching me coming out of the shower hairless a few times and no comments were made but, when the pubes started so did the father son BIG GUY TALK and my first rubbers. gosh those days had their fun moments.
This is an old thread, but I want to add my two cents to it......

In my last year of middle school, I switched from boxers to wearing a jockstrap instead because of sports.

At home, I was used to hanging out in my underwear each evening after showering. When I switched to wearing a jockstrap, it did not change my habit of hanging out after showering. My Mom never complained or said anything to me about my semi-nudity.

Back then, I didn't have very much body hair, and the jockstrap did cover what little pubic hair I had. But in HS, I did develop more body hair. My legs got hairy, as did my ass. I also had a treasure trail, and my pubes grew dark and bushy.

I was used to Mom seeing me in my jockstrap, and I felt very comfortable wearing it and nothing else. Since the development of my body hair was gradual, I didn't realize how much or how little was covered. It wasn't till a few years later when I saw pics of me that my mother had taken, that I realized how much of me was exposed.

I laugh now about it, but if I had been aware of my pubic/body hair exposure back then, I probably would have switched back to wearing boxers.

As it turned out, in college, I discovered nudism and have been living naked at home ever since.