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JUB Fantasy Hockey League


JUB Addict
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Oh Yeah hockey fans!!!!! Thats right, we have a JUB fantasy football league and now we're going to have a JUB fantasy hockey league as well. :gogirl: I know there are a good amount of you that like hockey so please join up and have some fun. It doesn't matter if you've never done this before, feel free to sign up as this league should be fun and not super competitive. (Hopefully):rolleyes: As the saying goes the more the merrier. I will be PM some of you with league info. If you've come across this thread on your own and want to join just PM me (natedogg323) here at JUB and I will get back to everyone asap.
Oh yeah by the way, this league will be doing a LIVE ONLINE DRAFT, on Sunday October 1st Around 8pm.
Talk soon...sign up and don't delay this if first come first serve
(!) (!) (!) (!)
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Sounds like a very clever idea. I wish you good luck in getting things off the "ice".

not competitive? I dont think so :p

I will mop the floor with you all :D

(I havent joined an online pool before)
Count me in.

Did you sign up yet OkeyDokey? I don't recall getting a PM from you with your team name?? I sent ya a PM with the league info, if you need it again please let me know.

We already have 4 teams signed up and we still have 2 weeks til the online draft. Lets make this a fuckin great time. I starting to get real excited about this up comming season. (!)
I'm in already.. would LOVE to make this a 10 - 12 team league though for competitiveness' sake. (is competitiveness' sake even a real phrase?! haha).

On a side note, BLS is going to single-handedly hand each and every one of you your asses on a silver platter. I'll even be sure to garnish your asses with parsley!! Whooooo!!!
Thems fightin' words!

My team: Calgary Cowboys - it was our WHA hockey team from before I was born.
Have fun guys! (UU)

Lets go guys!!! Get your buddy's to join up with us. Still only 4 teams! Have a few pending people that are interested by haven't signed up yet, 10 - 12 is my goal.
C'mon, boys. Let's get some more teams happening here.

Oh, Nate...I hate to mention this, but looks like my boys helped your boys notch one in the L column the other day. :D
guys if we don't come up with at least 3 to 5 more teams this league will be deleted. I've already PM/emailed 20 guys and have only heard back from a hand full of em'. Its time to do some recruiting of our own. If any of you know of anybody, give them the following info. Lets make this happen!!!
League ID # 10141
Password : haseksucks

Thanks guys,
I signed up tonight. I'll do my best to keep up, I love the game... but I might lag behind a little.

I assume if we dont make the online draft, the computer assigns us the players we need? I've done this with baseball and football, just never with hockey.
I got us 2 more teams...So we have 8 teams at the moment. This kinda sucks and would like to get 2 more by tomorrow's draft. But we are a go. Can anybody think of someone who can sign up???
I cant find anyone :(

And... i may miss part of the draft... I will try hard to make it! If I dont make it I set my pre-ranking thing and the computer will pick for me.
Sorry for the delay...I just joined up. I'll do my best to be there tonight, but it's moving day for me.