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Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Code.


Porn Star
Jul 14, 2008
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Los Angeles
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

WASHINGTON — The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.

He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.

And evironmentalists around the country shuddered.

I wonder how many carbon offsets the taxpayers will have to buy to cover this casual conduct?
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

Wow.. the NY Times must REALLY be short on actual stories these days....
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

This ranks up there Bush 41 refusing to eat his broccoli.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

The whole casual dress business started with Clinton. Bush thought the Oval Office a place important enough to get dressed in a coat and tie. I believe Reagan did so as well. I see no real reason to get my panties all up in a bunch if Obama decides to take his jacket off.

Although I don't think it a good example to keep the place hot enough to grow orchids. That's not real energy conscious.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.

He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.

Obama's cranked up the furnace hot enough to grow orchids while millions of Americans are being laid off or having their salaries frozen, struggling to pay their heating bills, and many struggling not lose their homes. Smacks of let them eat cake, as did his expensive inauguration and his expensive vacation before that.

Maybe minor things but yet again shows Obama is already in a bubble of privilege during a time Americans need elected officials to understand what's happening across the land with this economic crisis. If his stimulus package weren't full of nonstimulating pork, and instead were a focused potent economic stimulus, it'd be different. But he and his economic stimulus package are looking awfully disconnected.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

I'd also like to point out that raising the thermostat in the summer SAVES energy.

Good grief. There's got to be more important stuff than this!
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

So does that mean the next time I turn up my heat I am living in a 'bubble of privilege'? too? I mean really, isn't there better things we can discuss than this?
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

I disagree with the article's assertion that Obama has changed the "substance" of D.C.: so far he's just another politician working to feed his special interest supporters.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

Maybe minor things but yet again shows Obama is already in a bubble of privilege

Hey, NickCole?

I was warm and toasty already in my house.

But when I read your nonsense, I decided to crank up the heat just to spite you with my 'bubble of privilege'.


Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

Nope, this is THE most important thing goin' on right now. Aren't you concerned? Some poor White House staff member might break a sweat!


Well, I agree that he should ditch the plates.
I mean talk about Texas tacky!
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

Bush only kept his jacket on in the office because he knew he wouldn't be there for long. Places to be, golf balls to hit, fence posts to hammer, fish to lose debates with....
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

Obama's cranked up the furnace hot enough to grow orchids while millions of Americans are being laid off or having their salaries frozen, struggling to pay their heating bills, and many struggling not lose their homes. Smacks of let them eat cake, as did his expensive inauguration and his expensive vacation before that.

Maybe minor things but yet again shows Obama is already in a bubble of privilege during a time Americans need elected officials to understand what's happening across the land with this economic crisis. If his stimulus package weren't full of nonstimulating pork, and instead were a focused potent economic stimulus, it'd be different. But he and his economic stimulus package are looking awfully disconnected.



kinda agree with u about the inauguration which i thought was an abomination - so over the top IMHO

not digging the heating bill thing though

u lost me at the heating bill thing ;)

seems kinda petty nick

just a bit
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

My God Causal Dress in the West Wing? Here's your hand basket

Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod



kinda agree with u about the inauguration which i thought was an abomination - so over the top IMHO

not digging the heating bill thing though

u lost me at the heating bill thing ;)

seems kinda petty nick

just a bit

And it's posts like that why nobody can take a word Nick says seriously. It's like the boy who cries wolf. Has to bitch about every single thing under the sun ... no matter how big or how small.

I have no problem with Obama wanting a more casual atmosphere at the White House. If people work better that way, and can remain professional, then so be it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to adjust my thermostat.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod



kinda agree with u about the inauguration which i thought was an abomination - so over the top IMHO

not digging the heating bill thing though

u lost me at the heating bill thing ;)

seems kinda petty nick

just a bit

First of all, nothing a public servant does with our taxdollars is unworthy of comment by taxpayers.

And second, if you want to know what someone in the public eye is really about, especially people like Obama who play their manufactured image so tightly, you look at all unguarded behavior and choices. That's where the truth is. As any good detective will tell you, no detail, no clue is petty. Might turn out to be insignificant, but dismissing it as petty is what people do who are the ones who later smack their head and say, "How did you KNOW?!"

I knew who George Bush was, and that his administration would be a disaster, not because he was a Republican and not because I hated him as some accused me of (I still don't hate him, I don't invest personal emotion into public servants), but because I'm observant and pay attention to details that others miss is dismiss.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

That's "miss or dismiss."
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

First of all, nothing a public servant does with our taxdollars is unworthy of comment by taxpayers.

And second, if you want to know what someone in the public eye is really about, especially people like Obama who play their manufactured image so tightly, you look at all unguarded behavior and choices. That's where the truth is. As any good detective will tell you, no detail, no clue is petty. Might turn out to be insignificant, but dismissing it as petty is what people do who are the ones who later smack their head and say, "How did you KNOW?!"

I knew who George Bush was, and that his administration would be a disaster, not because he was a Republican and not because I hated him as some accused me of (I still don't hate him, I don't invest personal emotion into public servants), but because I'm observant and pay attention to details that others miss is dismiss.

So adjusting the thermostat apparently is a clue to whether one is going to be a good President or not? Give me a break. Thanks for the comedy.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

So adjusting the thermostat apparently is a clue to whether one is going to be a good President or not? Give me a break. Thanks for the comedy.

It's a clue into his sub-conscious thinking vis a vis energy and the economic crisis.

Someone mindful of those things would put on his jacket.

Obama cranked up the heat so high that he, apparently "cold by nature," had to strip down.

And his crummy economic stimulus bill, full of pork and programs that will do little to nothing to stimulate the economy, follows the same line.
Re: Lock Up The Children!-Obama's Casual Dress Cod

It's a clue into his sub-conscious thinking vis a vis energy and the economic crisis.

Someone mindful of those things would put on his jacket.

Obama cranked up the heat so high that he, apparently "cold by nature," had to strip down.

And his crummy economic stimulus bill, full of pork and programs that will do little to nothing to stimulate the economy, follows the same line.

*turns the thermostat up even more*
