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Looking Forward To Fall


I want to believe
50K Posts
Aug 25, 2004
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San Antonio
The last few days here in S.A. have been pretty nice. There's been a lot of cloud cover over the area and we've had a few showers to clear out the air. Considering how hot and dry it gets down here, this has been a nice respite truth be told. It also got me to looking forward to the change in the seasons. The Fall itself is one of my favorite things altogether as the air gets cooler and the leaves begin to change. Football is in the air and before you know it it's Thanksgiving. I'm ready for it. :)
I'm rather disappointed with the weather here and the arrival of fall, as we haven't had one single large thunderstorm all summer. They're more rare in the fall, so I probably won't see one this year. I love being caught in massive storms.
uhh....i assume that it doesn't get below 75 degrees in fall in SA...try our new england's still summer and it was 58 degrees here this morning...

i'm gonna go cry now.
I love late Summer and Early Fall. It's the time when the temperatures and humidity are at decent levels and you can enjoy the world.

Louisville, KY
Updated 09-10-2006 01:53 PM at Louisville - KY

83° F - Fair
Hi 84° F / Lo 66° F
Wind: VAR
Barometer: 1017.9 millibars
Humidity: 54%
Sunrise: 7:20 am
Sunset: 7:59 pm​
I absolutely love everything about fall, the weather, the holidays, the food. It is my favorite season.
I enjoy the fall. I like the mild temperatures. I also love the smells of autumn.
I most enjoy the temperature extremes. When I leave for work in the morning it's in the low 60s. During the day it's 75-80. And then when leaving work it's a beautiful 72ish.

I'll be heading North next weekend to see my second favourite: the changing leave.
i love the perfect weather of September and the slight chill of October,so the turn to fall is something I look forward to.The MLB playoffs and the World Series is the best thing about the fall,though.I love the excitement and electricity leading trough the Fall Classic!..|
I do enjoy the fall, warm days, cool nights.... but that only leads to sleet, freezing rain, snow, below zero temps... I hate that!
I love fall but hate clean ing up the leaves!!!
I've gotten so I enjoy spring and summer the most. In this part of SoCal, we don't get the beauty of the change of seasons - just a change in climate, the damp/rainy weather comes when summer ends. Fall also means the holidays aren't far off...which is not a favorite time of year for me. I also HATE football, which I avoid with a passion (no offense to any NFL fans out there :-) )

I'm looking forward to the drop in temperature, but I'm not looking forward to walking to work in the rain.