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looking people in the eye. can you do it?

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yes but i have a problem looking hot guys in the face though. :eek: it's just so :o. i can't do so without smiling.
Absolutely! I'm not shy. I don't have a problem looking people in the the the the ass.
I don't think it's a problem to smile when you make eye contact/look at someone.
I have to, it is almost an obsession. If I'm talking to someone and they look away I'll stop until they look back at me right in the eyes. If I am conversing with someone and we are not looking at each other in the eyes, it feels like somebody isn't listening so whats the point.
I always look people in the eye. It's just my way of telling them that I am paying attention to them.
That is the only way to hypnotize them.
I'm quite shy so initially meeting someone, I will have trouble but after 5 minutes when I feel comfortable with them, I can easily.
Not without puting my mind to it, and a lot of effort. Usually, I'll glance at the guy, and then look beyond him.

I don' look in the eyes non-stop because human eyes can't do that, not when you're close anyway.
So I look into one eye, then the other, then somewhere else, then ... well I look in various places but make sure to eye-lock every now and then so that the person I'm talking with knows I'm paying attention
When at the store, or out for a walk in the park, or whatever: I pretty much have to make eye contact with everyone that passes by...its a bad habit, one that I wish I could rid myself of.
if i'm speaking to someone i always look at them eye to eye ... much of one's communication is non verbal and the eyes speak volumes

when i pass someone on the street, i usually look at their eyes .. i love eye contact ... and to say "hi" or something similar ...

if the person i'm walking by seems "odd" (whatever that means) sometimes i stare, and that can be taken offensively

if they seem threatening, i prob won't make eye contact ... some will consider eye contact a license to beg or be confrontational or whatever ... that's when i secretly put my hand on my gun

but generally, i don't avoid eye-to-eye contact ... i like it
I have a bad habit - when meeting a person, I look at our hands shaking instead of looking them in the eyes. I'm trying to break myself of doing that.
I have to, it is almost an obsession. If I'm talking to someone and they look away I'll stop until they look back at me right in the eyes. If I am conversing with someone and we are not looking at each other in the eyes, it feels like somebody isn't listening so whats the point.

Eye contact can feel intense and intimate for many. Intermittent (or avoided) eye contact is not an affirmation that the other person is not listening. You may be unintentionally intimidating your conversational partner by forcing them to maintain a level of eye contact that they are uncomfortable with. I think it would be advisable for you to gauge their level of ease and adjust your conduct accordingly, or at least be a little more forgiving. Just as not everybody is comfortable with hugs and closeness among friends, not everybody is comfortable maintaining eye contact for prolonged periods.

As for me, I typically look people in the eye when talking to them, although if I'm feeling a little uncomfortable in my skin on the day I tend to avert my gaze occasionally. Otherwise I can get caught up in a neurotic, self-conscious storm of insecure thoughts and it can detract from the natural flow of conversation. That happens much less frequently now than it used to though, I'm happy to report. :)
I have a bad habit - when meeting a person, I look at our hands shaking instead of looking them in the eyes. I'm trying to break myself of doing that.
Me too. I feel like I will miss the hand and look stupid if I don't look down.
I honestly can't. I just fear making eye contact. I look at a person quickly to say something to them and keep it moving. I look at people's chest more than anything
Can you look me in the eye? Can ya? Can ya?

is not awsum lands amazin design it so folkys no got use um?

there go
