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losing love handles


Porn Star
Nov 29, 2005
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Any one have any ideas on how to lose the love handle fat? have been doing situps and ab crunches but seem to keep the fat. i eat a good diet lots of fruit &veggies. any help will be appreciated. thanks
Three words...CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! It's gotta be a part of your exercise to lose fat. I'd recommend a minimum of 30 min, 4 times/week (longer if you can). Crunches will NOT help you lose those love handles. They WILL develop the underlying stomach muscles but they'll be covered with that layer of fat. Burning the fat off through cardio and a good diet is the only way. Good luck!! :D
Well I,ve been starving myself for about a year. I,m down too pinch an inch from grab a slab!! I rethink EVERYTHING am going to I eat. I lost 30 Lbs. I was always THIN but than all of a sudden????

It's a whole hell of alot easier to put it on than take it off!!! Cut out Bread and Pasta is my best advice. And STAY ACTIVE!!!
thanks hotcbr! I do cardio at least 4 times a week. mostly 30 min sometimes more. i'm doing crunches so that i'll have a start on my "6 pack". i think i need patience.
^^Yep! Those last few are a royal pain to lose! You might want to shock your body by increasing your cardio to 45-60 min and add a day in there for 2-3 weeks. Your metabolism knows how to adapt and it just may have done that with your current workout. I know 45-60 min is a long time, but I try to not do the same thing (i.e. 20 min bike, 20 min run, 20 min elliptical).
A powerlifter friend of mine has this advice. Eat only green plants and you can eat any animal except pork. Spend and hour minimum working out every day--mostly weights but some cardio to go with it.

Okay, I'm the bear who's gone gym rat, but I don't know if I could do that pace or not.
I found just eating right and running every morning before lectures allowed me to lost 60LBS, I'd give that a shot.
Three words...CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! It's gotta be a part of your exercise to lose fat. I'd recommend a minimum of 30 min, 4 times/week (longer if you can). Crunches will NOT help you lose those love handles. They WILL develop the underlying stomach muscles but they'll be covered with that layer of fat. Burning the fat off through cardio and a good diet is the only way. Good luck!! :D

Dude, I totally agree with you ont his one.
Ah Feck!

I just sought some advice from a personal trainer on how to lose the weight ive put on thru excessive drinking etc.. he advised lots of pasta and exercise.. so ive just done a monthly shop and bought shed loads of pasta and brown rice.

Sounds like you need a new personal trainer. Pasta is good for carb-loading the night before a marathon or something, but you'll want to stay away from eating too much of it otherwise.