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losing weight and enlarging my penis


On the Prowl
Aug 25, 2007
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hi all i currently way 311 lbs from all the fast food i'd been eating just recently i been going back to the gym and working out so far the only machine i use is the elliptical machine on the weight loss setting and burn like 300 calories unfortunately i can't afford training seesions at 24 fitness gym so is there other ways of losing weight was thinking of riding a bike to burn more calories so any suggestions

as for my penis is there a way to get it bigger to say like 7" or would it get that big when i lose weight say i want to lose at least 150 lbs right now penis stays at 3 inches or less
Visual penis length returns with weight loss. However, depending on the elasticity of your skin, the fill length may not return without plastic surgery.

You don't need a trainer. Try to not eat as much fast food. Reduce your caloric intake, over all. Sometimes the difference between weight loss and weight gain is 200-300 calories.

I wish you all the best. Stick with it; the results are well worth it.
thanks alot looseliam will see if size returns once i start dropping pounds will a protein shake also help to
Once you drop some of the weight and get used to a cardio routine, you can add weight work. By getting your muscles into shape, you will increase your metabolism which will help accelerate your weight loss. Weight work and cardio work together to help the process.

If you've never done weight work or if you're unfamiliar with the equipment, then a few sessions with a trainer will help. It's worth the investment- a few sessions with a trainer to develop a workout plan will last you for months. Where a lot of people get intimidated by the cost is that a lot of trainers want you to sign up for multiple sessions that go on for weeks. You don't need that. Usually a few sessions to put together a plan is all that is needed. Then in a few weeks when you've outgrown the plan, you set up a couple of additional sessions to change the workout plan. If a trainer is doing training for a living, having a long-term relationship with clients is the way to maintain a business. If the trainer is just in it to get people signed up for a lot of sessions, then they're a salesperson not a trainer.

If you're eating a normal diet, you get plenty of protein. It's only when you're wanting to build muscle that you may need additional protein but in reality, most people in developed countries get plenty of protein in their diet.
You penis may not grow, bit it will look better and by losing fat on your lower abdomen you will be able to insert deeper if you top. The fat holds your abdomain away from the target.
thanks guys i just want to update that i went from 311lbs to 297.6 i stopped eating red meat due to my stomach candle a lot grease from the meat so i stuck to fish and chicken and some rice i made teriyaki chicken with fresh vegetables and some rice am i off to a good start
Well done! Keep at it.

I'm not to keen on eliminated red meat entirely. Cut back, sure. Eat leaner cuts, you bet. Try and have a bit of beef during the week. Not a huge porterhouse or double nasty burger from $fastfootshop. Source from a local butcher. IIRC, sirloin is the best bet for low-in-fat and full-flavour.

I know it sounds silly but, when trying to lose weight, remember to eat.
Sounds great. Are you doing some cardio? Doesn't have to a lot, a little, say 15 min on treadmill will help.
i go to 24 fitness and get on the elliptical on the weight loss setting and may also do the treadmill to but somedays 24 hour fitness is busy and the treadmills are all taken
thanks guys i just want to update that i went from 311lbs to 297.6 i stopped eating red meat due to my stomach candle a lot grease from the meat so i stuck to fish and chicken and some rice i made teriyaki chicken with fresh vegetables and some rice am i off to a good start

Fish (especially cod) and white meat chicken (skinless chicken breasts, for example) are great for losing weight.

Rice and anything starchy is your enemy when it comes to losing weight.

The fresh vegetables are great, just don't put anything on them. No salad dressing, no cheese, and no butter.

I can't say much about penis length (because my penis is still the same length as before), but after I lost a lot of weight, my erectile dysfunction has reduced to the point where I rarely need anything like viagra these days. So, my penis works a lot better than it did when I was heavy.

It's also a lot easier to engage in sexual activities without getting tired and out of breath than it was before.

One other thing I would say about it-- raw pistachios and raw hazelnuts-- just a small amount eaten on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before having sex really helps. They contain something that your body uses to make your penis firm and erect.

The key seems to be that your stomach must be completely empty before you eat them, and then don't eat anything until after you have sex.

It works for me, and for a few other guys I know. And it's cheap.

I've tried all kinds of herbal supplements, etc., and nothing works as well as raw pistachios and raw hazelnuts.
Can't offer you anything too helpful, but I heard Oprah had a show where it was proven that for every 30 pounds a man loses he can potentially gain an inch in penis size. :lol:
well rice is actually good for you in small amounts like 1 serving of rice

But any starch-- bread, pasta, rice, etc., converts to sugar almost immediately. Proteins on the other hand-- lean chicken, lean fish-- tend to take longer to break down, making you feel fuller longer, and less likely to feel the need to eat again right away.

Do you notice how after eating Chinese food with lots of rice, you feel hungry again right away?

And in America, rice has a lot arsenic in it which causes bladder cancer and skin cancer. It's not good for you.
Can't offer you anything too helpful, but I heard Oprah had a show where it was proven that for every 30 pounds a man loses he can potentially gain an inch in penis size. :lol:

I haven't noticed any gain in penis size, but in terms of erection, losing weight helps a lot. I hardly ever need viagra anymore.

Also, exercising a lot can naturally boost testosterone, which helps with sexual function, too.
I've also heard that for every 30 lbs one is overweight, one loses an inch of penis length. Your penis will enlarge once you are down to average size.

I lost 30lbs and it didn't gain any more inches to my penis length so I don't think that's true. You might lose the fat around your cock but it won't enlarge it at all perhaps maybe able to see your cock when you look down but enlarging, nope.
A really good cardio exercise that is quick and easy to be done with is sprinting. If you can get yourself to do several 100 meter sprints, preferably on a rubber running track or an athletic field (easier on your legs) per exercise session, it can provide a huge boost to fat burning and muscle growth. Sprinting forces your body to release lots of human growth hormone and testosterone as well.

I find sprinting way more reasonable to do than, say, jogging, or treadmill or stationary bike stuff. I think it works the whole body in a very natural way as compared to what you do on a typical cardio machine.

That's why I love DDR. The average song is about 90-120seconds. No joke, some songs you can easily burn 40 calories. Course it takes a lot of practice and endurance to get to that skill level. With a treadmill or an elliptical, you are only getting one range of motion. At least with DDR, you contort and jump around which is more natural. That is how I manage to lose 50 lbs and keep it off. Besides, it's also much more fun than running aimlessly in place.
That's why I love DDR. The average song is about 90-120seconds. No joke, some songs you can easily burn 40 calories. Course it takes a lot of practice and endurance to get to that skill level. With a treadmill or an elliptical, you are only getting one range of motion. At least with DDR, you contort and jump around which is more natural. That is how I manage to lose 50 lbs and keep it off. Besides, it's also much more fun than running aimlessly in place.

How frequently do you play, and for how long in a session?