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My first time,need advice

Aug 19, 2012
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Hey guys,just joined the forums.
One of the reasons was to make this thread.
So the title is preety much self explanatory,i'm a virgin and am about to have my first time...or so i think.
Thing is i'm 18 and he's 34,at first i thought it was ok since he had a body of a younger guy,but when i saw his face,well my opinion changed (we met through manhunt btw).
So,do you guys think i should go for it?I have until wednesday,that's when we are supposed to meet.
I know it must sound cheesy but i'd like my first time to be special,i just don't know if it will be special with this guy.
Any opinions guys?I'm all ears.
It seems as though you'll have regrets if you go ahead with this guy just by the way you wrote your post. Stick with your hand a while longer and see what develops. You ought to do what you want and not do what you don't want. You are looking at least for a bit of meaning rather than just getting it over with. I say if the guy is at least as important as the act then wait.

Welcome to the forum and weigh in often and keep us updated. Take good care of yourself.
Hey guys,just joined the forums.
One of the reasons was to make this thread.
So the title is preety much self explanatory,i'm a virgin and am about to have my first time...or so i think.
Thing is i'm 18 and he's 34,at first i thought it was ok since he had a body of a younger guy,but when i saw his face,well my opinion changed (we met through manhunt btw).
So,do you guys think i should go for it?I have until wednesday,that's when we are supposed to meet.
I know it must sound cheesy but i'd like my first time to be special,i just don't know if it will be special with this guy.
Any opinions guys?I'm all ears.

I'd wait. If you want your first time to be special, you should be so hot for the guy and so comfortable w/ him that you can't even think about anyone else. Nothing against the guy who is after you, but I imagine once he fucks you, you'll never hear from him again. What is a 34 year old guy doing w/ an 18 yr old fellow anyway?? Also, there is no telling what STD's this guy is spreading around either. It's really hard to be careful enough your first time to be completely safe. Just don't do it.
Find you a guy close to your own age and spend some time getting to know each other BEFORE having sex. Even go and get tested together. If he doesn't want to or thinks you are too worried about stuff, then you know he isn't the right guy for you. You have LOTS of time to loose your virginity. Make it special.
Thanks for all the support guys,really appreciate it.:)
Thing is i live in a very conservative small island,and finding a gay guy here was like finding a needle in a hay stack and so i went for it.I regret it though,i think my hormones were talking louder at the time (so to say).
I don't wanna ruin my sex life by getting infected right at my first time,and i wasn't properly informed about what risks i could take by having sex with him (sure we agreed on using condoms if we were to do anal,but just making contact with his saliva and precum is already dangerous and i didn't know that!) and even though he says in his profile he is hiv- there's no way to know if he has done tests recently,so i decided and i will not go through with it.

In what way did your opinion change? Are you no longer attracted to him, or less attracted?

I first saw body pictures of him,and he had a nice body for a 34 year old,but when i saw his face i no longer felt attracted,plus i don't wanna be rude as to judge someone by their faces but he didn't inspire much confidence...
Yeah, it sounds like you need the whole package. Keep looking. It'll happen.
If you are not attracted to him, don't do. HOWEVER, iwould not plan on the first time being special. You will be nervous, uncertain, self conscious. It will get better after your first. For your first time don't spend too much time getting acquainted etc. you will just get more nervous. Get to the action asap. Hug him and kiss if he wants. Get undressed with him quickly. This will give you a big jolt of hormones an you will be off to the races.
It sounds like you have a really good head on your shoulders...

I actually think that having sex for your first time isn't as big of a deal as most people make it out to be -- and I'm saying this from "hindsight" btw... :lol:

ALWAYS ASSUME that someone you meet for a hookup is HIV+ -- you MUST protect yourself...

Have FUN, carry condoms -- and hopefully it'll happen SOON for you with the RIGHT guy!!! ..|

Once again -- WELCOME to JUB!!!

Thanks for the tip,i will do just that :)
I do plan on recording it,so if you stick around you'll see for yourself :mrgreen:

Thanks for the welcome,and the advice :)
I am really looking forward to having sex for the first time,but i seriously think i could only do it with someone close to my age and that would agree on doing tests for hiv so as to have the best time ever.I don't think i could do with the first stranger who would hit on me simply because i wouldn't feel comfortable not knowing if he was hiv+ or not.So it may take some time before i start in my sexual life,but i'm sure it will be worth it ;)