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new here, got a few questions for you fellas


Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
1: having a dick in your that supposed to feel good??? i can't imagine that being so. as an experiment, i carefully inserted a dick-sized-and-shaped bottle in my ass. you would not believe the trouble i had getting it up there, first of all. apparently my ass is not dick friendly. and then when it was in i played around with it a little and it basically wasn't comfortable AT ALL.

2: oral sex. mouths are big enough? surely you jest.

3: these old bear dudes... i thought old guys couldn't get it up? do they take viagra? what if they have a heart attack? heart problems are very common in old guys.

1) I'm a virgin too
2) Well...women can do it too, so it's not a gay oriented question.
3) ROFL how old are we talking? 100?

edit: oh and welcome!
so it just recently came to my attention that i'm probably gay. i'm 21 and i'm a virgin, i've never really been interested in sex, which is odd because usually that's all males think about growing up. not me. so i've just been asexual this whole time until i found out i like muscular men around my father's age, people that are known as bears. how fucked up is that? lol i don't know anything about gay sex and i'm gay right? so i signed up on a bunch of gay dating sites to research... and those, my friends, are the most retarded websites on earth. so i'm here. i've got a few questions if anybody has the time to answer.

1: having a dick in your that supposed to feel good??? i can't imagine that being so. as an experiment, i carefully inserted a dick-sized-and-shaped bottle in my ass. you would not believe the trouble i had getting it up there, first of all. apparently my ass is not dick friendly. and then when it was in i played around with it a little and it basically wasn't comfortable AT ALL.

2: oral sex. mouths are big enough? surely you jest.

3: these old bear dudes... i thought old guys couldn't get it up? do they take viagra? what if they have a heart attack? heart problems are very common in old guys.

anyway thanks for reading

Wow. okay...

1 - If you look around these forums you will find lots of useful information on anal sex. But please, don't stick bottles up your ass. The only thing going in your ass should be a dick or other body parts and sex toys that are designed to go in. Also remember to use lube or you will get nowhere.

2 - Yes they are, get a banana and have a go, just don't choke on it.

3 - It is unlikely that anyone is gonna have a heart attack whilst you fuck or get fucked by them. If they are healthy they shouldn't have a problem getting it up.
i like muscular men around my father's age, people that are known as bears. how fucked up is that? lol

You may go thru several "phases", this month it's "bears", next year it's blondes... test the waters, and never say never. How old is your father?

1: having a dick in your that supposed to feel good??? i can't imagine that being so. as an experiment, i carefully inserted a dick-sized-and-shaped bottle in my ass. you would not believe the trouble i had getting it up there, first of all. apparently my ass is not dick friendly. and then when it was in i played around with it a little and it basically wasn't comfortable AT ALL.

Some guys are born to bottom, others learn to enjoy it, still more just don't even go there. Rather than a dick-sized or shaped thing, mabye starting with your finger while you j/o will help you understand the sensation

2: oral sex. mouths are big enough? surely you jest.

See previous answer, a lot of it applies here. Not every cock-sucker is a deep-throater. Some guys love to do it and are great, others poop-out after 2 minutes and use their hand. Test those waters, see where you fit!

3: these old bear dudes... i thought old guys couldn't get it up? do they take viagra? what if they have a heart attack? heart problems are very common in old guys.

Amazingly, some gay/bi guys take really good care of themselves. In general, you should never generalize ;) hehe about a certain type, age, color. Each of us is an individual, as you'll soon find!

anyway thanks for reading

Welcome, enjoy, take it slow. Life is what you make it.
thanks nick, my dad is around 50 and i keep getting attracted to guys who are 40+, all of them seem to be straight. and i appear to be straight to i guess.

That would be me! :)
Let me see if I have this straight. You don't like anal. You are not interested in oral. You don't like porn. No wonder you were asexual. :p

That pretty much leaves your hand and vagina.:badgrin:

Don't worry, you'll figure it out and find something you do like....or not.
If I were you, I'd see a qualified therapist.

There's something off kilter here.

I just hope you're not planning on posting continually about the joys of asexuality and abstinence.
^This from the guy that has a list of porno sites to recommend to someone who apparently has no interest in sex?
Welcome to JUB! :wave: To answer your questions:

1: having a dick in your that supposed to feel good??? i can't imagine that being so. as an experiment, i carefully inserted a dick-sized-and-shaped bottle in my ass. you would not believe the trouble i had getting it up there, first of all. apparently my ass is not dick friendly. and then when it was in i played around with it a little and it basically wasn't comfortable AT ALL.

First off, no bottle is dick shaped. And secondly, no bottle is the same consistency as a dick. It's muscular, but it has "give' to it. That's why dildos aren't made of hard plastic - because that ain't what it's supposed to be like.

Having a guy gently give you anal can be amazingly enjoyable. Assuming he's both patient and good at it. :)

2: oral sex. mouths are big enough? surely you jest.

Oral sex isn't "face fucking", unless you want it to be. It's servicing the dick with your lips, tounge, and mouth. Most of the time, the dick doesn't go all the way in. And yes, many guys enjoy giving it as much as receiving it.

3: these old bear dudes... i thought old guys couldn't get it up? do they take viagra? what if they have a heart attack? heart problems are very common in old guys.

Define "old". I'm 39, and I don't have any heart problems. Most guys up to the age of 50 or 60 tend not to have heart problems. And yeah, the sex drive diminished somewhat as we age. But that just means two or three times a week rather than every day. As an added bonus, most older guys don't hit orgasm after 15 seconds - they can keep it going for quite a while. :)

1: having a dick in your that supposed to feel good??? i can't imagine that being so. as an experiment, i carefully inserted a dick-sized-and-shaped bottle in my ass. you would not believe the trouble i had getting it up there, first of all. apparently my ass is not dick friendly. and then when it was in i played around with it a little and it basically wasn't comfortable AT ALL.
It isn't supposed to feel good, it does feel good. The difference between a dick-sized-and-shaped bottle and a dick is like the difference between a cactus and a cucumber. Every plastic bottle I've ever seen has harsh edges or seams somewhere and that's something you'll want to avoid. A proper sex toy will give you a better idea. You have to be careful even with fingers as nails can have sharp edges even when fully trimmed.

Also, you're working out muscles down there, like you would do with any muscle at the gym. Much like the gym, you can injure yourself if you don't take it slow and easy until you figure out what you're doing. And much like the gym, you don't have to go there unless you enjoy it. But realise it takes a while to figure out what you like and how to do it. Have fun because in this case practise makes perfect, and practise is a hell of a lot of fun if you stop when you reach your limits.

Remember, people do it because they like it, not because they don't like it.

2: oral sex. mouths are big enough? surely you jest.
Oral sex: Tongue.
3: these old bear dudes... i thought old guys couldn't get it up? do they take viagra? what if they have a heart attack? heart problems are very common in old guys.

anyway thanks for reading
Seriously where is Shep when you need him...he's pushing 70 and can't shut up about how hard he is all the time and how much of a horndog he is. Eh Shep? :wave:

Plus, if older guys turn you on, they turn you on. If there is something about older guys that does not turn you on, then I guess they don't turn you on after all. No law says you have to sleep with them...
What do you think about kissing men? or kissing in general? If you like kissing then start out there, things will usually progress naturally enough. You may even find yourself screaming "fuck me daddy" (Daddies are a more appropriate term for the kind of man you seem to be attracted to. Bears are usually more chubby than muscular.)

I would suggest before you try dildos and fingers and such that you try just rubbing a finger around your asshole. A lot of people don't know/think about it but there's a lot of nerve endings in your asshole and stimulating them by rubbing your finger around it while jacking off can be pretty good ...assuming you jack off.

if you don't like sex.....or porn...or hot sexy men touching and spanking you and stepping on your don't belong as a gay :p