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Obamamania continues but he has accomplished zero


JUB Addict
Sep 7, 2008
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Barack Obama took office barely 10 days ago, but already schools and streets are being renamed. In the Hempstead case they didn't even wait until Inauguration Day, re-christening the school back in November -- the first in the nation to do so.
In Opa-Locka, a majority-black Miami, Florida suburb of 25,000 people, street signs already reflect a Barack Obama Avenue. The name will be inaugurated on Presidents Day, February 16.

"We are proud of the accomplishment of the 44th president and we want to leave a legacy for the next generation to embrace, and to make sure that we embrace diversity," local commissioner Dorothy Johnson, who proposed the measure, told AFP. ....

At least one person mentioned in the article is right.

"The idea of naming a school after a political leader still in office should always make us nervous," he said.

"It implies the ... endorsement of that political leader" in an institution that is "presumably a place where children are educated and learn to think for themselves."

It is insane, people have been rushing to name public buildings, streets etc after Obama who has so far accomplished nothing.

It seems that mass hysteria is present in some communities.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

I agree.

But I dislike renaming things for famous people even when they're dead and accomplished. Why not wait for something new and name it after them?

As much as I admired RFK, for instance, I don't see why they recently renamed NY's Triborough Bridge after him. The Triborough was a perfect identifying name for that bridge.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

He has only accomplished one thing so far, and that was getting elected. I voted for him, but I think people are getting WAY ahead of themselves.

I'm not celebrating anything until he has actually DONE something. I hardly find it appropriate to already re-name things after him.

I wonder how many attacks I'll get for "conservative asshole-ism" just because I want him to accomplish something before we start celebrating his legacy?
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

I think the point is that yes it might be all great and dandy that a black person was elected as president but people need to separate obama and black.
black person as president = awesome sauce
obama as president ≠ awesome sauce (yet)

if we are going to succeed as a nation of diversity we need to start celebrating this presidential election as a win for America, not just for blacks.

aaand, that 'win' for America is yet to be seen...
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

i don't recall voting for him!!!
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

You mean ignore the obvious racial divide that's driven this country since they brought Africans over here in chains? That's a lotta dust to sweep under the rug. That's one of the reasons the black community's inequalities persist, because anytime they're brought up all of a sudden it's "We're one, we're equal, let's unite." The truth is we started out divided, we've been and are still divided, and it's not the kinda thing you can ignore.

#-o I apologize if I offended you in anyway. I'm mostly just asking when is this whole divide going to end? When can we put the past behind us and raise our children from the same perspectives. I suppose I'm just sick of these inequalities as much as you are and this whole election seemed like it drew another solid line down the center of blacks and non-blacks and it's frustrating. So once again i apologize.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

Perhaps the historical significance of his win is minor to you, but to many it's bigger than Obama himself, you'd be surprised how many blacks grew up thinking they wouldn't see a black president in their lifetime.

uhhhh.......:confused::confused: Isn't he HALF WHITE???

funny how people tend to forget this when they say "FIRST BLACK President".

playing that "race card" sho get's old!
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

That's true, but I'm not dense, I'm just enjoying the irony here. Now that the recession (the one blacks have been living in for decades) is starting to creep into white America, all of a sudden it's okay to ask for governmental help, to ask for job creation, to ask for tax cuts and rebates and stimulus packages.

What happened to "Quit asking for handouts!?" What happened to "Tie yourself up by the bootstraps!" What happened to "Quit bein' lazy, get off your ass and find a job. Don't ask the government to do everything for you!" Hearing those phrases when black issues are discussed is as common as seeing a car pass by. You'd think that there are no inequalities, that black America is simply collectively lazy and incapable of achieving affluence.

When blacks ask for help it's because we're lazy and playing race cards, but now that everybody is feeilng the pinch it's okay to make demands of the goverment.:roll:

Except, the people who lost their jobs, are losing their homes, are filing for bankruptcy, are losing what they actually earned themselves.

You are playing the race card and it's getting to the point where it has no relevancy.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

What's wrong with renaming things after people? I don't see who it hurts or offends.

Everything in life is not about feelings.

Like choosing a President.

And the Triborough Bridge was well named, footed in three NYC boroughs, that identified it in a practical useful way, making it one of the area bridges that helped give context to direction.

Statues and monuments and memorials are about feelings, and if a new bridge or whatever is built and it's named after a Great American, fine. But there's no good reason to rename a well-named practical structure.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

So pretty much everyone who voted for Obama because he's black? AKA 95% of blacks in America?

It's reverse racism.

It's okay to be racist against whites, in that case it's not really racism.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

^(jktooo) Exactly. This is gonna be my last post here unless something really bugs me....
The race issue is gone. It doesnt exist. Everyone has equal rights. It's true, I know it's crazy but it's true.

Theres a difference between being oppressed because theyre black, having less job opportunities, etc.


being lazy, committing 85% of crimes in America each year, dropping out of high school, robbing a thrift store at 14, etc.

The race card doesnt work anymore and I'm done with it. [STRIKE]Grow up.[/STRIKE]
Not grow up, just move on.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

Are we are own worst enemy now? Yes, but the ONLY way you could deny that black America is a biproduct of slavery would be to say that blacks are simply inferior and incapable of achievement. What other explanation could there be?

The heart of this problem is your lack of understanding, you wanna take a big ugly problem, slap a pretty bow on it and call it a wrap. It's not as cut-and-dry as blacks being lazy.

This race card has got' ta go! It's been used way too many times, far too often.

Let's take a look at this list:
Oprah Winfrey
Michael Jordan
Serena Williams
Venus Williams
Tiger Woods
75% of NBA is BLACK (USAToday, 2007)
Whitney Houston
Donna Summers
Bobby Brown
Aretha Franklin
Will Smith
Michael Jackson
Janet Jackson
Jackson Family
Jay Z
Snoop Dogg
Halle Barry
Kanye West
Shaquille O'Neal
Mike Tyson
Evander Holyfield

This is a VERY short list of some of the MOST INFLUENTIAL people IN THE WORLD!

And what do they have in common?

Is it that many of these peoples pursued opportunities even though they were/are from some of the most corrupt and crime ridden areas in America?

Is it that these people worked hard to achieve what they have achieved?

Well, yes and yes.

But beyond that they're all BLACK, and many are from what you would call "oppressed" areas in America. Yet these people had dreams our country was not only able to accommodate but as a country we have by and large embraced them.

I'm so sick of the race card being flashed at every opportunity.
Black people tend to think about race BEFORE it is ACTUALLY an issue.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

So once again, justapixel lobs another stink bomb and runs away.

He adds so much to JUB, wouldn't you say?

I voiced my opinion.

I am not about to argue about my opinion. I said it. Arguing about it is nonsense.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

Perhaps the historical significance of his win is minor to you, but to many it's bigger than Obama himself, you'd be surprised how many blacks grew up thinking they wouldn't see a black president in their lifetime. No one is saying he's going to change the world or solve everything, but his win in and of itself represents new hope to a community that, just a few years ago, was washed away to see without a single care from our government.

Disparity is a motherfucker. Excuse us for celebrating the end of centuries of disadvantage.


Why is it that I, a white person, seem to have had more faith in the ability of a black person to become president than other black people? Why the victory is so minor to me because I'm not black and had more faith in people? I generally have no faith in ANYBODY I don't know, yet I had faith that a black person could be elected.

Just to put this back out there: I believe he is half-white unless everything I read throughout the election was wrong. Why is that always conveniently forgotten when race is being thrown around like a bomb?

I'll even throw this out there: Why is it that among all the people I've met in my life, the majority of the ones throwing race around for ANY reason were black people? Why is it that I'm called a racist (yes, many times) for using a word that has nothing to do with anything about race? I'm not speaking of just one word here, but many different words as well as completely innocent phrases.

Here's an example of what I mean.

I was once sitting at lunch during school and there were some napkins on the table by a person one seat down from me. Someone bumped into me from behind and made me spill my drink. I asked this person "Would you please hand me one of those napkins?" and he responded with "Why? Because I'm black and therefore supposed to serve you high and mighty white people?" He then went on to THROW the napkins at me and move to another table.

All I did was ask for some napkins to clean up a mess because the napkins were right there by him and my drink was all over the place, including on me. I was trying to keep as much mess off the floor as possible. They weren't "his" napkins either, but napkins placed on every table in an effort to keep the cafeteria clean.

I suppose I fail to see something here...why I seem to be thinking in such a different way. Why is it the white people I know see black people more capable than they seem to see themselves at times? I'm not referring to all black people, as my friends of different races have all gone on to do something, whether it is college or some job while they get the funds for college or something else. None have planned to skip college and plan to work hard to succeed, even if that means flipping burgers to get money. None of them consider themselves at a disadvantage because of their race.

I don't know...maybe it was growing up with a consistently diminishing money supply, fearing my own family, and later on wondering if there would be food on the table the next day or a roof over my head. Maybe it was the very mixed environment where, to a certain age, none of us cared about skin color and we actually considered each other equal aside from typical bullying which had no race. I don't know. I just know I appreciate everything I get and know I have to work hard if I want to have a single scrap of food to eat. I also know that I'm not going to try to steal what I want for any reason, even if that means I'm living in a box in an alley somewhere hoping someone passing by will drop some change.

I think I'll leave this discussion now. It seems to be little more than a war over race, and I doubt anything I say will be treated as anything but a comment on race.

So go ahead, call me a racist if you want. I've been called it so many times I don't care. I just try to treat people like people, regardless of their skin color, accent, or whatever. I've got to call someone anyway, she and I are supposed to go see a movie tonight. Yay for contests with free tickets as prizes! I keep telling her she should try a career in singing...she's not concerned about the color of her skin or anything, just has no confidence that her voice is that good, even when she wins stuff. I'd tell her to go to American Idol, but that would be an insane mistake with the way that show is now. Ah, I'm getting off topic...

So anyway, have fun fighting about race!
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

What's wrong with renaming things after people? I don't see who it hurts or offends.

In this country we usually, for the most part, wait until people are dead before we start memorializing them by putting their images on stamps or naming things after them.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

That's what most of your Obama posts are based on, feelings, premonitions, speculations, possibilities, maybe's, could-be's, probably's. Feelings.


It's informed opinion.

I'm beginning to think many in your generation were never given the tools to understand the difference between informed opinion and "truthiness."
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

And if we do it while they're still living, what's the problem? We give living people awards and honors and doctorates, what difference is a street name?

Tradition. Ever see Fiddler on the Roof? Tradition. LOL
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

And if we do it while they're still living, what's the problem? We give living people awards and honors and doctorates, what difference is a street name?

The difference is that people get awards for actually doing something. Getting elected as the first black president i think hardly counts as award worthy, it would just be reverse racism. And obviously it wasn't some great feat because he got a landslide of the electoral votes and an extremely large number of the population votes.
I'd be more than willing to shower him in awards once he does something. Until then, the media should back down.
Re: Obamamania continues but he has accomplished z

I understand your where you're coming from, I guess we just have different perspectives.

But good luck to Obama anyways. Only time will tell...


(marleyisalegend---once again I apologize for any disrespect I may have unintentionally conveyed throughout this thread. Everything I have expressed has been consequence of my personal experiences and as I am only 18 I have much to see and learn from people like yourself in regards to others' hardships. I in no way shape or form find my fellow black man inferior to I and I wish him luck in his endeavors to find an even more accepting America.)