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People who rarely post.


JUB Supporter
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
I was looking through some of the threads and I was surprised to see the number of JUB'rs who rarely post. I saw some that had joined in 2004 and had posted less than 20 times. I joined in September of 2005 and you can see how many posts I already have. I know that people work and don't have time to post all day. I still wonder about people who have been a member for a year or more and have posted very few times. I love being active in the JUB forums. The porn is great, but so are the forums. If a person posts only once every other week that's still going to be over 100 posts per year. Is JUB just free porn or does it have a greater importance?
I too have noticed & wondered about this.

I think it depends on who you ask. I was here for years without posting or even looking at the boards, you know what I was doing! he he he he

I favor the boards & community input more now.

Some join, post a few, then get busy & forget all about us. Maybe they get a bf like BBaldwin & go away for awhile (damn, what a loss!)

Some people are just shy. Some people only want to respond to what intrests them.

The possibilities are endless.
greywolfnano said:
The only time I post is if I have something fun to contribute.

I'm sure you have a lot to contribute whether it's fun or not. If nothing else, your insight and opinions are important.
I prefer to be thought a fool rather than opening my mouth and removing all doubt![-X
i haven't post yet but is because i don't know how would any of you guys explain it to me how to do it
But when I have an insight or opinion that I think will be noticed or will make someone laugh, then I will definitely post something. Absolutely! But just like any other marketplace for crazy fun and sometimes serious ideas, I don't want to be someone who just throws in chatter that everybody will overlook.
Good question & one that has crossed my mind also... so I look to myself & realize that this is just the way life is... I recently moved, so my time away could be justified (not that I need justification)... but that's my point... that's just the way life goes... I also feel that unless I have something significant to say, I keep silent...
I've been a member since Oct '04, so quite a while, and I hardly have any posts at all for that amount of time. I'm not the kind to start pointless threads or create a long winded answer just to boost my post numbers. If it's not worth saying - don't say it.
and I've just noticed I am now apparantly a slut.
that's weird.
eddielee said:
I'm sure you have a lot to contribute whether it's fun or not. If nothing else, your insight and opinions are important.
Right, unless you do that in a belamian way :rolleyes: :mrgreen:
LaughingTenor said:
I just signed up and i think this is only my second post, but i know that if i have something to say about a post, i will post it! I already know i will be really active with posting here.

Welcum! Enjoy your stay. Check out is 11 am. :wave: :D
I'm at .2 posts per day, 93 in 15 months. I read a lot of the forums almost on a daily basis and I think they're great. I guess I'm more of the type of person who likes to listen to others rather then speak up. Depends on the subject, sometimes I feel strong enough about something to give my opinion. I tend to have periods where I don't post at all and then 1 day I'll do like 4 or 5.

Hey, this is off the subject, but I just noticed on my homepage under forum info it says I have 3 referrals. What does that mean???
AAAGGGHH, Jester your avatar is so cute it´s killing me slowly... :mrgreen:
"If a person posts only once every other week that's still going to be over 100 posts per year." --> ???..

I will not make abuse of the stock of dancing bananas just to post "i can't help you, sorry"..

With this post, I shall have 235 posts--after just over 2.5 years (since June of 2004). Most of those posts were garnered in the past over a year ago. In fact, the 4 or 5 JUB people with whom I have exchanged emails are people with there was contact during the first 6 months of my JUB membership.

I am glad to be a member of JUB. I found numerous posts rather informative. So JUB has been a lovely source of information Yet, I am not inclined to post that much. I do not post unless it is clear to me that I have something to contribute to the discussion. So I rarely post when what I would have said has already been said. Sometimes a post that I am constructing has been anticipated by another and so I have ended up echoing what has been said, which is not a problem for me. I rarely participate in threads posting (links to) pictures, though I have appreciated quite a few of these. Nor am I inclined to make comments that are ever so clever. That is probably because I am not clever in that way. Congratulation threads for reaching a certain number of posts or Happy Birthday threads are interesting; and I participate in these when I know and, especially if, I admire the person's "work". In general, I am a person of very few words. There were would be no JUB if everyone took my approach.

Finally, I contributed more to JUB earlier on than now. This has a lot do to do with the evolution of JUB itself. Though I appreciate much, I am most animated by substantive issues, except that I do not like politics all that much since I find that truth is rarely relevant in the arena of political debate. For my tastes, there are far fewer substantive issues (of a non-political nature) that show on the JUB board. So I increasingly have less to say.

It is obvious that JUB plays various roles in the lives of its members. It plays a personal role in the lives of some. It is even an alter-ego for some. And it is wonderful that JUB can play that in the lives of individuals. I repeat: This is a wonderful thing. That said, JUB could never play a personal role in my life--certainly not now, though perhaps that could have happened had a previous incarnation of JUB remained in place.

The strength of JUB is its diversity. In my own small way I attempt to contribute to that diversity. Fortunately, not everyone is like me.
arnaud_68 said:
"If a person posts only once every other week that's still going to be over 100 posts per year." --> ???..

I will not make abuse of the stock of dancing bananas just to post "i can't help you, sorry"..


hahaha, excellent!!! I missed that one, DAMNIT!#-o well done..|