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Perfect Guyz.. which one?


Sex God
May 10, 2006
Reaction score
Ugh none really...dalimili where are all ur hot ones u use to post?
Jordan is kinda cute, but this has got to be the most mis-named site on the web.
Connor or Jordan, love those long, lean bodies.
No one is 'perfect', and only one is 'guyz' (manly) and that one is Jordan.

Thanks for the post, though.
Hate the name of the web site. Define perfect. Nobody is perfect. Each has something to bring to the table.
I like Jordan best. He is quite cute. Actually, the further down the list one goes, the more I like the guys-- Jack is second, Connor is third....

I do agree about the site being misnamed though. There are quite a lot of websites out there whose models have a higher average hotness quotient, IMO.